Yard time for FPS Waal!

Following in the wake of our FPS Maas (now H2 Barge 1), the FPS Waal has just sailed its last inland voyage on a diesel engine!

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The con­tai­ner ship arri­ved at the Hol­land Shi­py­ards Group shi­py­ard in Wer­ken­dam this week, whe­re its retro­fit to a zero-emission hydrogen-powered ves­sel will commence! 

In order to sail 100% emissions-free, all the vessel’s inter­nal com­bus­ti­on engi­nes will be remo­ved and a new ful­ly zero-emissions pro­pul­si­on sys­tem, inclu­ding PEM fuel cells, hydro­gen sto­rage, bat­tery packs and an elec­tric dri­ve train will be instal­led. Over the coming weeks, the main engi­ne and gene­ra­tors will be remo­ved and the new fuel cell sec­tion and bat­tery room insi­de the car­go hold will be installed.

We proud­ly share this moment with our dedi­ca­ted FPS team, HSG, Ball­ard Power Sys­tems, and our part­ners and sup­port­ers at the Port of Rot­ter­dam, Expertise- en Inno­va­tie­Cen­trum Bin­nen­vaart (EICB), Zero Emis­si­ons Ship Tech­no­lo­gy Asso­cia­ti­on (ZES­TAs), Water­bor­neTP, NSHy­Map, RH2INE, and NCE Mari­ti­me CleanTech.

This pro­ject was made pos­si­ble with fun­ding sup­port from Inter­reg North Sea Regi­on Pro­gram­me (Zero Emis­si­on Ports North Sea – ZEM Ports NS), Flag­ships H2020 Pro­ject (Clean Hydro­gen Part­ner­ship), and Net­her­lands Enter­pri­se Agen­cy (RVO).

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