Inter­fer­ry to co-host Euro­pean Ship­ping Sum­mit work­shop urging short sea car­go increase

Global trade association Interferry - representing more than 270 companies and some 1,200 individual members from over 40 countries - is co-hosting a workshop at next month’s European Shipping Summit in Brussels to stress the importance of shifting more goods transport from road to short sea services, notably through better use of European Union funding to enhance the sector’s competitiveness.

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The work­shop – ‘How to increase the share of mari­ti­me trans­port in Europe’s trade’ – takes place at 09:30 on Sep­tem­ber 19 in the Roy­al Muse­um of Fine Arts and is open to all inte­res­ted pro­fes­sio­nals.
Ship­ping asso­cia­ti­ons from Cyprus, Ita­ly, the Net­her­lands and Spain are co-hosting the ses­si­on, whe­re Interferry’s key input will be pro­vi­ded by regu­la­to­ry affairs direc­tor Johan Roos and Britt­a­ny Fer­ries CEO Chris­to­phe Mathieu.

Roos comm­ents: “Fer­ry ship­ping is bey­ond doubt a very effi­ci­ent means of trans­port, with poli­cy makers and the indus­try united in their goal of shif­ting more volu­mes from road to sea. Howe­ver, the rea­li­ties requi­red to achie­ve this ambi­ti­on are too often lack­ing.
“To echo Interferry’s ‘Stron­ger Tog­e­ther’ creed, we must now work coll­ec­tively to embrace oppor­tu­ni­ties, over­co­me chal­lenges and share our know­ledge, both from an indus­try and a poli­cy makers´ per­spec­ti­ve. The Euro­pean trans­port sys­tem is wide­ly over-reliant on the road net­work, lea­ding to con­ges­ti­on and infra­struc­tu­re rundown, whe­re­as short sea ship­ping can offer a more
via­ble eco­no­mic and envi­ron­men­tal alter­na­ti­ve. I look for­ward to wel­co­ming decis­i­on makers and indus­try par­ti­ci­pan­ts to our dis­cus­sion on how best to sup­port our visi­on while kee­ping a level play­ing field and impro­ving the over­all sus­taina­bi­li­ty of the trans­port sys­tem.”
The 2023 Euro­pean Ship­ping Sum­mit on Sep­tem­ber 19–20 is orga­nis­ed by the Euro­pean Com­mu­ni­ty Shipow­ners’ Asso­cia­ti­ons (ECSA) in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Inter­fer­ry and other mari­ti­me asso­cia­ti­ons. The event fea­tures indus­try ses­si­ons, net­wor­king oppor­tu­ni­ties and high-level dia­lo­gues focu­sed on Euro­pean and inter­na­tio­nal poli­cy makers, regu­la­tors and indus­try stake­hol­ders. Regis­tra­ti­on is
available at


Pic­tu­re from the con­fe­rence 2022

© Inter­fer­ry

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EHREN­BERG SØREN­SEN Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on
T: +49 (0) 172 189 34 95
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