Ste­na is boos­ting their capa­ci­ty on Dublin-Liverpool (Bir­ken­head) rou­te with freight only vessel

Stena has secured the freight only vessel, Bore Song, to operate on the Dublin-Liverpool (Birkenhead) route. The ship will boost freight capacity on the route by 30%.

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The Ste­na Line Dublin-Liverpool dedi­ca­ted freight ser­vice has been ope­ra­tio­nal sin­ce 15th Febru­ary 2024 with Ste­na Hori­zon ser­ving cus­to­mers tem­po­r­a­ri­ly, whilst they have sear­ched for a longer-term solution.

Bore Song is now sche­du­led to under­go modi­fi­ca­ti­ons and is expec­ted to enter ser­vice in mid-April. With capa­ci­ty for almost 3,000 lane met­res of freight, the ship will pro­vi­de signi­fi­cant­ly more space and is well sui­ted for this unac­com­pa­nied freight rou­te. Once Bore Song is ope­ra­tio­nal, we will be able to res­to­re nor­mal capa­ci­ty and ope­ra­ti­ons on their Rosslare-Fishguard and Rosslare- Cher­bourg routes.

With the future of the rou­te front of mind, They are also inves­t­ing fur­ther in our port ope­ra­ti­ons at Bir­ken­head to bet­ter ser­ve freight cus­to­mers. Ste­na Line recent­ly bro­ke ground on a pro­ject to signi­fi­cant­ly increase par­king for freight vehic­les with plans for 200 addi­tio­nal bays. This fol­lows the announce­ment last year that they had signed an agree­ment with Peel Ports to ope­ra­te at the ter­mi­nal in Bir­ken­head until the year 2100.

Sin­ce the announce­ment of their plans to launch their Dublin-Liverpool ser­vice in Decem­ber, they have been sear­ching for a long-term freight only ship solu­ti­on, and they are deligh­ted to have secu­red the Bore Song to ser­ve on the rou­te until at least the end of the year.

The extra capa­ci­ty offe­red by Bore Song will be wel­co­med by the mar­ket. The ser­vice has had a strong start and they anti­ci­pa­te fur­ther growth in the coming months. Cou­pled with the expan­si­on of their port ope­ra­ti­ons in Bir­ken­head and their long-term agree­ment with Peel Ports, they are inves­t­ing signi­fi­cant­ly in the future of their seventh ser­vice across the Irish Sea.

Ste­na Horizon 

© Ste­na Line

Quel­le & Kontakt

Maria Hellbjörn

PR & Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Mana­ger (Swe­den, Ger­ma­ny, Den­mark, and Ste­na Line Group)

Tel. +46 (0) 76 511 84 14


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