Samskip initia­tes stra­te­gic expan­si­on in Bal­tic Sea regi­on laun­ching new direct short-sea ser­vice bet­ween Fin­land, Lat­via, the United King­dom and the Netherlands

25. October 2023 - Early next month, Samskip will celebrate the maiden voyage of the Samskip owned and operated weekly service connecting Rotterdam, Helsinki, Riga and Hull. This new service is a direct reflection of Samskip’s central strategic focus on customer centricity. Valuing customer relationships, the service is in response to demand for reliable short-sea service in the Baltic Sea region.

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Samskip’s new Bal­tic Sea ser­vice will direct­ly link Lat­via & Fin­land with the United King­dom & the Net­her­lands with fast relia­ble tran­sit times. The ser­vice achie­ves a 5‑day tran­sit time from Riga to Hull, and a 7‑day tran­sit time from Hel­sin­ki to Hull. Sup­port­ing the new rou­te, Samskip will deploy 2 vessels.

Cus­to­mers such as retail­ers in Fin­land will bene­fit from the relia­ble and short tran­sit times of the rou­te from Rot­ter­dam to Hel­sin­ki with arri­vals in Hel­sin­ki every Tues­day morning. 

The relia­bi­li­ty of the new ser­vice is achie­ved by its robust sche­du­le design and focus on con­sis­ten­cy. Samskip’s new Bal­tic ser­vice will deli­ver seam­less inte­gra­ted door-to-door ser­vice, sup­port­ed by Samskip’s strong value pro­po­si­ti­on in the UK con­sis­ting of in-house cus­toms cle­arance sup­port, its Humber-based owned truck fleet and addi­tio­nal value-added ser­vices such as cross-docking for paper and tim­ber products.

Samskip Regio­nal Direc­tor – Bal­tic Sea, Johan van der Pijl, said: “Samskip has hea­vi­ly inves­ted in our Cus­to­mers Expe­ri­ence. We have lis­ten­ed clo­se­ly to our customer’s to under­stand their needs and this new ser­vice under­pins our com­mit­ment to them and their ship­ping requi­re­ments to-and-from Fin­land & Lat­via. The new ser­vice pro­vi­des a fast, direct link bet­ween the regi­on and the UK and the Net­her­lands, which is pai­red with a high level of cus­to­mer care and ser­vice qua­li­ty. I am proud of the teams in the regi­on who have work­ed pas­sio­na­te­ly to dri­ve this project.”

Samskip Regio­nal Direc­tor – UK, Richard Bea­les, said: “We are very plea­sed to wel­co­me this new direct call from Helsinki/Riga via our ide­al­ly situa­ted Hum­ber­si­de gate­way in Hull. This new ser­vice offers our cus­to­mers a direct and relia­ble cor­ri­dor to-and-from Fin­land and the Bal­tics to the UK. We are able to link into the UK Region’s in-house value-added ser­vices, such as cus­toms cle­arance sup­port and land trans­port to deli­ver a seam­less door-to-door service.”

For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se cont­act Regio­nal Direc­tor – Bal­tic Sea, Johan van der Pijl at


Quel­le & Kontakt

Johan van der Pijl
Regio­nal Direc­tor – Bal­tic Sea

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