WEC Lines con­nects La Rio­ja area with Bil­bao, the UK, and the rest of Con­ti­nen­tal Europe

Thursday October 26th, WEC Lines celebrated the official inauguration of our rail services between Agoncillo (La Rioja) and the port of Bilbao in Spain. This service, in operation since July, has two weekly departures, on Mondays and Thursdays, to coincide with our weekly sailing departures bound for the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, the Canary Islands, Morocco, and various East African destinations.

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The new rail ser­vice bet­ween the lnter­mo­dal Logi­stics Cent­re of La Rio­ja, loca­ted in Ago­n­cil­lo, and the port of Bil­bao, has been offi­ci­al­ly inau­gu­ra­ted with a suc­cessful cerem­o­ny yes­ter­day. The inau­gu­ra­ti­on was atten­ded by local aut­ho­ri­ties, importers, export­ers, and repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of La Rio­ja Govern­ment, the Port Aut­ho­ri­ty of Bil­bao, and Agoncillo’s rail ope­ra­tor Royo Logística.

The Port of Bilbao’s Pre­si­dent, Ricar­do Barka­la, stres­sed the importance of the new rail­way ser­vice for the com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness of La Rio­ja com­pa­nies. “This ser­vice unites us even more and bet­ter, and this rail­way cor­ri­dor allows us to help the inter­na­tio­na­li­sa­ti­on of local companies.

Our Mana­ging Direc­tor WEC Lines Spain, Patrick Ram, high­ligh­ted the importance of the new ser­vice. “We have tur­ned a mar­ket need into a solu­ti­on,” said Ram, who high­ligh­ted the nine ves­sels that cover the rota­ti­on in the Port of Bil­bao, with two weekly depar­tures on Mon­days and Thurs­days. “For us, La Rio­ja is one of the most out­stan­ding are­as in Spain, whe­re we have pla­ced high expec­ta­ti­ons of growth, due to its pre­sence, and even grea­ter poten­ti­al, within inter­na­tio­nal trade, espe­ci­al­ly with the United King­dom and the rest of Con­ti­nen­tal Europe.

With our com­mit­ment to offe­ring inter­mo­dal solu­ti­ons we are not only able to ser­ve our cli­ents even bet­ter, but we are also redu­cing our eco­lo­gi­cal foot­print further.

Image (from left to right): Ama­ia Sara­so­la (Port of Bil­bao), Arant­xa Pera (WEC Lines), Andi­ma Ormaet­xe (Port of Bil­bao), Elsa Cone­jo (WEC Lines), Ricar­do Barka­la (Port of Bil­bao); Abel Royo (Royo Logí­sti­ca), Patrick Ram (WEC Lines), Pedro Lopez (Royo Logí­sti­ca), Ste­ven Molen­aar (WEC Lines), And­re Schin­kel (WEC Lines). © EFE/ Fer­nan­do Díaz

Quel­le & Kontakt

WEC Lines Rot­ter­dam BV
T: +31 10 491 3400
M: office@weclines.com

WEC Lines Espa­na S.L.U.
T: +34 93 268 33 61
M: info@wec-lines.es


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