Samskip and Bolu­da Lines Join Forces to Launch New Spain-Ireland-UK Ser­vice to Rea­li­ze Short­sea Shipping’s Com­pe­ti­ti­ve Edge

Samskip and Boluda Lines will jointly launch shortsea container services connecting Santander, Dublin and Liverpool, in a new commitment to customers in Spain, Ireland and the UK that also delivers a strategic expansion for Samskip’s European sustainable transport network.

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Laun­ching on 30 Sep­tem­ber, the joint ser­vice pro­vi­des a new weekly Spain-Ireland-UK short­sea opti­on for uniti­zed car­goes that is high­ly cost com­pe­ti­ti­ve against road-ferry alter­na­ti­ves, while at the same time offe­ring grea­ter relia­bi­li­ty and sub­stan­ti­al­ly redu­cing CO2 emis­si­ons per ton­ne mile.

Based on Satur­day depar­tures from San­tan­der by the 803 TEU nomi­nal capa­ci­ty ves­sel LUCIA B., the new ser­vice offers a 3‑day tran­sit time to Dub­lin port, with calls at Liverpool’s Roy­al Seaf­orth Con­tai­ner Ter­mi­nal, due two days after, befo­re the ship’s south­bound voya­ge to Spain. With door-to-door and quay-to-quay ser­vices available, car­goes can move in owners’ exten­si­ve ran­ge of con­tai­ners – inclu­ding 45ft high cubes, ree­fers and flat­racks – or in ship­pers’ own equipment.

In nor­t­hern Spain, the focal point for ope­ra­ti­ons will be Bolu­da Mari­ti­me Ter­mi­nals San­tan­der, which is ide­al­ly loca­ted to pro­vi­de links to Ire­land and the UK and is high­ly com­pe­ti­ti­ve against other local ports. Ope­ned by Bolu­da in April 2023, after ter­mi­nal invest­ments approa­ching €40 mil­li­on, the brand-new faci­li­ty offers capa­ci­ty to hand­le over 110,000 TEUs a year.

In addi­ti­on to adding value through logi­stics exper­ti­se and local know­ledge, Samskip and Bolu­da Lines are maxi­mi­sing Santander’s ope­ra­tio­nal, sus­taina­bi­li­ty and mar­ket pene­tra­ti­on poten­ti­al by simul­ta­neous­ly laun­ching block train rail ser­vices to/from Madrid and Seville. Cross-docking ser­vices are also being offe­red at Santander.

As experts in Mul­ti­mo­dal plan­ning logi­stics, Samskip has a strong local pre­sence in Ire­land and North Ire­land. This pro­vi­des a gre­at edge for relia­ble ser­vice whe­re exten­si­ve road hau­la­ge ser­vices have been deve­lo­ped to sup­port ships con­nec­ting Cork, Dub­lin, Bel­fast and Water­ford to Samskip’s Euro­pean net­work via the Netherlands.

Ólaf­ur Orri Ólaf­s­sonHead of Net­work Opti­miza­ti­on & Ibe­ria Trade, said: “Pro­vi­ding high­ly effi­ci­ent, relia­ble, and sus­tainable short­sea pro­ducts is at the cen­ter of what we do, and we are thril­led to con­ti­nue to do just that in this new part­ner­ship with Bolu­da Lines. With our long-lasting expe­ri­ence and local know­ledge in the Irish, UK and Spa­nish mar­kets, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in cle­arance know­ledge and inland dis­tri­bu­ti­on exper­ti­se, we will be able to add signi­fi­cant value to our cus­to­mers, to whom we remain dedi­ca­ted to in our mis­si­on to pro­vi­de the most relia­ble service.”

Mean­while, the addi­ti­on of Liver­pool to north-south ser­vices repre­sent a major new stra­te­gic com­mit­ment in the UK. The San­tan­der link is com­pe­ti­ti­ve for Spa­nish importers and export­ers, while Liver­pool adds a signi­fi­cant ser­vice opti­on for ship­pers in the Ireland-UK trade. The Port of Liver­pool gives access to the M62 ‘cor­ri­dor’ of motor­way to reach key UK importers and export­ers, whe­re Samskip’s com­bi­na­ti­on of effi­ci­ent plan­ning, in-house cus­toms cle­arance exper­ti­se and UK-based truck capa­ci­ty will deli­ver seam­less logi­stics across the north-west and beyond.

Igna­cio Bolu­da Cebal­los, Chair­man of Bolu­da Ship­ping, said: “We are deligh­ted to initia­te this new jour­ney with our part­ner Samskip, crea­ting the alli­ance of two lea­ders in the intra-European trans­port. Our values and visi­on are ful­ly ali­gned. In this new pro­ject, we will con­nect San­tan­der with the UK and Ire­land, offe­ring an inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­on for our cli­ents, empha­si­zing effi­ci­en­cy and sus­taina­bi­li­ty across all modes of trans­por­ta­ti­on; rail, land, and mari­ti­me. We are par­ti­cu­lar­ly proud to show­ca­se the new Mari­ti­me Plat­form in San­tan­der, a pro­ject that our enti­re group is dedi­ca­ted to, and in which we have inves­ted all our efforts.”

In addi­ti­on, Bolu­da Lines“ lea­der­ship in the trans­port of goods through the Cana­ry Islands and West Afri­ca offers importers and export­ers in Nor­t­hern Euro­pe the pos­si­bi­li­ty to expand their con­nec­tions and car­ry out ope­ra­ti­ons in the­se regi­ons. With exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in the­se mar­kets the com­pa­ny ope­ra­tes more than six regu­lar lines in this stra­te­gic area.

Kari-Pekka Laak­so­nenSamskip CEO, said: “Having a relia­ble ser­vice to the Spa­nish mar­ket has been on the dra­wing board for Samskip for a long time. It is very exci­ting to take this step tog­e­ther with our part­ner Bolu­da Ship­ping, who has a pro­ven track record of suc­cessful ser­vices in Spain. This allows us to fur­ther expand our sus­tainable mul­ti­mo­dal net­work to one of the main Euro­pean short-sea mar­kets. We are thril­led to join this journey”.

Gor­ka Car­ri­l­lo Fernán­dez, CEO of Bolu­da Ship­ping, said: “This col­la­bo­ra­ti­on repres­ents a cru­cial step for­ward in enhan­cing con­nec­ti­vi­ty bet­ween Spain, Ire­land, and the UK, while alig­ning with our com­mit­ment to sus­tainable and effi­ci­ent trans­port solu­ti­ons. Bolu­da Lines’ deca­des of mari­ti­me expe­ri­ence in door to door relia­ble trans­port solu­ti­ons per­fect­ly com­bi­ned with Samskip’s exten­si­ve net­work will undoub­ted­ly deli­ver uni­que value to our cus­to­mers and rein­force our shared dedi­ca­ti­on to excellence.“

© Samskip

Quel­le & Kontakt:

Flo­rens Tegel­a­ar, Head of Mar­ke­ting Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons
Pho­ne: +31 88 400 1179


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