DFDS to deploy fleet of bat­tery elec­tric ves­sels on the Eng­lish Channel

DFDS reaffirms commitment to the electrification of cross-channel transport after meeting with UK Minister for Investment and Regulatory Reform, Lord Dominic Johnson. DFDS's long-term goal is to have up to six battery-powered vessels operating on its routes on the Channel, with the first two in service by 2030.

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Today, the UK Minis­ter for Invest­ment and Regu­la­to­ry Reform visi­ted DFDS head­quar­ters in Copen­ha­gen, Den­mark to dis­cuss decar­bo­ni­sa­ti­on of the ship­ping sec­tor and the elec­tri­fi­ca­ti­on of mari­ti­me traf­fic across the Eng­lish Channel.

DFDS will deploy two battery-powered ves­sels in the Eas­tern Chan­nel by 2030. This is a part of a pro­gram to invest in six green ves­sels – two metha­nol, two ammo­niac and two elec­tric – for a total of around DKK 7.3bn over the next six years. The long-term goal is to intro­du­ce up to six ful­ly elec­tric ves­sels on the chan­nel, which would be the world’s lar­gest elec­tric ferries.

Becau­se of the rela­ti­ve short distance bet­ween the UK and the Euro­pean con­ti­nent, the rou­tes on the chan­nel are opti­mal for elec­tric fer­ry trans­port. The Eng­lish Chan­nel is one of the busie­st ship­ping cor­ri­dors in the world. It links two of the world’s big­gest eco­no­mies and accounts for 33% of the trade bet­ween the EU and the UK.

UK Minis­ter for Invest­ment and Regu­la­to­ry Reform, Lord Domi­nic John­son said:

“With its superb infra­struc­tu­re, tech­no­lo­gi­cal advan­ces and pro­xi­mi­ty to Den­mark, the UK is the part­ner of choice for green invest­ments like this. DFDS’ com­mit­ment high­lights the value of our tra­ding rela­ti­onship and the stra­te­gic importance of the Eng­lish Chan­nel ship­ping route.”

“The UK Govern­ment remains stead­fast in its aim to reach net zero by 2050 and the green tran­si­ti­on of the cross-Channel ship­ping will crea­te Bri­tish and Danish jobs and streng­then both our economies.”

The green tran­si­ti­on of mari­ti­me trans­port on the Chan­nel not only reli­es on the ships at sea. A suf­fi­ci­ent power sup­p­ly on land and infra­struc­tu­re to accom­mo­da­te rech­ar­ging faci­li­ties in ports are equal­ly important to be able to com­ple­te the fleet electrification.

“We have a shared ambi­ti­on with the UK Govern­ment to decar­bo­ni­se mari­ti­me traf­fic across the chan­nel. The tran­si­ti­on is not going to be easy. It requi­res signi­fi­cant invest­ments in inno­va­ti­on, tech­no­lo­gy and infra­struc­tu­re, and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and part­ner­ships bet­ween the public and pri­va­te sec­tors. But I am con­fi­dent that we will suc­ceed. DFDS will invest in green ves­sels and coope­ra­te with ports and govern­ments on both sides of the chan­nel to decar­bo­ni­se cross chan­nel trans­por­ta­ti­on,” says Tor­ben Carlsen, CEO of DFDS.

DFDS has 12 rou­tes con­nec­ting UK to France, Ger­ma­ny, The Net­her­lands, Swe­den and Den­mark and employs 3,300 peo­p­le in 5 ports, seve­ral logi­stics offices in the UK and onboard 3 UK flag­ged vessels.


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Glo­bal Media Relations

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