Samskip Expands Duis­burg Rail Ser­vices To Add 4 Key North-South Routes

Leading European multimodal and logistics group Samskip has added four new routes to the network of rail services connecting to its Duisburg rail terminal, in an ambitious expansion which principally targets importers and exporters in Denmark, France and Italy.

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Sepa­ra­te new rail ser­vices con­nect the Samskip Ter­mi­nal Duis­burg to Pad­borg (Den­mark, three times per week), Macon (France, 4xw), Padua (Ita­ly, 4xw) and Vero­na (Ita­ly, 3xw by shut­tle).  The Duis­burg ter­mi­nal is alre­a­dy the ful­crum for Samskip north-south rail ser­vices bet­ween Ger­ma­ny, Swe­den and Ita­ly, also con­nec­ting north to Den­mark, east to Lub­eck, Pol­and and bey­ond, and west to Samskip’s high-frequency short­sea con­nec­tions in Rot­ter­dam and Amsterdam.

At a time of heigh­tening dri­ver shorta­ges across Europe’s road hau­la­ge sec­tor, the new rail ser­vice addi­ti­ons build relia­ble, effi­ci­ent and sus­tainable rail ser­vice capa­ci­ty along four major Euro­pean rou­tes, each con­nec­ting Duis­burg direct with lea­ding regio­nal cen­tres for uniti­zed freight.

“We are brin­ging the speed, effi­ci­en­cy and plan­ning advan­ta­ges of rail ser­vices to cus­to­mers in some of Europe’s key indus­tri­al loca­ti­ons, as well as the sus­taina­bi­li­ty bene­fits cli­ents secu­re every time they choo­se mul­ti­mo­dal,” said Johan Groot­kar­zi­jn, Head of Rail Net­work, Samskip.

With each train having capa­ci­ty for 40 uniti­zed loads, the new ser­vices add signi­fi­cant capa­ci­ty and scope to Duisburg’s exis­ting rail links into Ita­ly, which alre­a­dy cover five desti­na­ti­ons. Samskip is also repla­cing a third-party con­nec­tion into a key regi­on in France with its own ser­vice, and crea­ting an addi­tio­nal focus for Danish ope­ra­ti­ons with the reach to ser­ve desti­na­ti­ons to the south by road and pro­vi­de alter­na­ti­ve rou­ting to the north to/from Sweden. 

“As well as the bene­fits of mul­ti­mo­dal effi­ci­en­ci­es of sca­le, the­se new rou­tes deli­ver on relia­bi­li­ty, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and seam­less inte­gra­ti­on into our dedi­ca­ted high volu­me ter­mi­nal ope­ra­ti­on in Duis­burg,” added Grootkarzijn.

Hand­ling up to 250,000 units loads per year, the Duis­burg ter­mi­nal fea­tures eight 720 m length tracks for tran­ship­ment and two more for shun­ting. Invest­ments include high-tech OCR scan­ning at the gate­house, who­se use for load regis­tra­ti­on, prio­ri­tiza­ti­on and slot allo­ca­ti­on maxi­mi­ses the pre-planning and excep­ti­on manage­ment gains available to ter­mi­nal ope­ra­ti­ons. Ship­pers moving loads inter­na­tio­nal­ly within the EU are also entit­led to dis­patch loads over the road weig­hing two to four ton­nes more than con­ven­tio­nal hau­liers if their ship­ments include a mul­ti­mo­dal dimen­si­on. “Mul­ti­mo­dal is not only a more car­bon effi­ci­ent method of trans­port, but incre­asing­ly cost effi­ci­ent,” Groot­kar­zi­jn empha­sis­ed. “With only one hand­ling ope­ra­ti­on requi­red at Duis­burg, we ensu­re that pick-up and deli­very is always fast and relia­ble. The­se new ser­vices repre­sent ano­ther important step towards Samskip’s visi­on for ensu­ring that the most sus­tainable logi­stics solu­ti­on in the freight mar­ket is also incre­asing­ly distin­gu­is­ha­ble for its ease of use.”




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