Samskip Expands Inter­mo­dal Rail Ser­vice Offe­ring New Ser­vice From Kau­nas, Lithuania

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully performed the first trials for our new intermodal rail service from Kaunas in Lithuania. Together with our partner LTG Cargo, we will offer rail service between the Kaunas Intermodal Terminal in Lithuania and our Samskip rail terminal in Duisburg 4 times a week.

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The new ser­vice will be incor­po­ra­ted into our Bal­tic Sea trade ser­vices with a focus to-and-from the UK, Ire­land, Nor­way as well as Ger­man Ruhr and the Bene­lux area. In addi­ti­on, the new capa­ci­ty allows us to make com­pe­ti­ti­ve con­nec­tions to-and-from Kau­nas, the indus­tri­al heart of the regi­on as well as Vil­ni­us, the capi­tal of Lithuania.

From our ter­mi­nal in Duis­burg, we can con­nect direct­ly to our Pan-European net­work. The high fre­quen­cy of train ser­vice allows us to offer a mar­ket com­pe­ti­ti­ve door-to-door tran­sit time of 9–10 days from Lithua­nia to the UK; a 4‑day impro­ve­ment com­pared to our pre­vious ser­vice from Lithuania.

Samskip Regio­nal Direc­tor – Bal­tic Sea, Johan van der Pijl, “At Samskip, Pio­nee­ring, Sus­taina­bi­li­ty and Customer-Centricity are at the very core of our DNA. We are hap­py to com­bi­ne the­se core values in the new inter­mo­dal ser­vice from Kaunas.

We lis­ten­ed careful­ly to the requi­re­ments of our cus­to­mers, and we are deligh­ted to offer our cus­to­mers the chan­ce to com­pe­ti­tively con­nect Lithua­nia with their core mar­kets in Euro­pe, while redu­cing their car­bon emissions.”




Johan Groot­kar­zi­jn, Head of Rail Net­work, Samskip
Pho­ne: +31 38 385 2637

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