Coop and DFDS join forces to decar­bo­ni­se hea­vy transport

10 electric trucks will deliver goods to 365discount, Kvickly/SuperBrugsen and Brugsen supermarkets in Jutland, Denmark after Coop and DFDS have entered into a new strategic partnership.

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From 1 Febru­ary 2024, DFDS will be respon­si­ble for the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of gro­ce­ries from Coop’s warehouse in Aal­borg, Aal­borg Dis­tri­bu­ti­on Cent­re, and meat, fruit & vege­ta­bles and other fresh pro­du­ce from the warehouse in Aar­hus, Has­se­la­ger Ferskvarecenter.

„At Coop, we have a very ambi­tious cli­ma­te plan, whe­re by 2025 we will have redu­ced CO2 emis­si­ons from our ope­ra­ting acti­vi­ties by 75 per cent com­pared to 2019. The­r­e­fo­re, we are plea­sed that we have ente­red into this long-term agree­ment with DFDS as part of our cli­ma­te stra­tegy,“ says Jakob Birk, CEO, Coop Logistics.

„At DFDS, we stri­ve to mini­mi­se the envi­ron­men­tal impact of ref­ri­ge­ra­ted trans­port and elec­tric trucks repres­ents a signi­fi­cant step towards decar­bo­ni­s­ing our cus­to­mers’ sup­p­ly chains. The etruck has zero tail­pipe emis­si­ons, and we aim to secu­re elec­tri­ci­ty from rene­wa­ble sources to be able to offer a zero-emission solu­ti­on. It is cru­cial to empha­sise the importance of col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons like this one with Coop as we coll­ec­tively work towards the rea­li­sa­ti­on of our cus­to­mers cli­ma­te goals,“ says Anders Mika­el Chris­ten­sen, Vice Pre­si­dent, Logi­stics, Nor­dics Cold.

DFDS curr­ent­ly have more than 60 elec­tric trucks in the company’s glo­bal fleet. In Den­mark, DFDS has 45 elec­tri­cal ref­ri­ge­ra­ted trai­lers in ope­ra­ti­on. When the COOP con­tract takes effect, DFDS will expand to 65 elec­tri­cal ref­ri­ge­ra­ted trailers.

© Mar­tin Ries Fotografi

Quel­le & Kontakt

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