CMA CGM to enhan­ce FAL 1 ser­vice with a direct call to Gdansk – Poland

Striving to always offer the best quality of service to our valued customers, CMA CGM is pleased to announce the extension of our FAL 1 service into Poland

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The first sai­ling West­bound from Asia will be on August 10th, 2023 ex Pusan with our MV CMA CGM JAC­QUES SAA­DE voy. 0FLFNW1MA, ETA Gdansk on Octo­ber 05th, 2023.


The new FAL 1 rota­ti­on will be the fol­lo­wing: Pusan – Ning­bo – Shang­hai – Yan­ti­an – Sin­ga­po­re – Dun­kirk – Le hav­re – Ham­burg – Gdansk – Rot­ter­dam – Alge­ci­ras – Port Klang – Pusan


CMA CGM will now offer 2 com­ple­men­ta­ry direct ser­vices FAL 1 and FAL 5 from Asia to Gdansk. FAL 1 will offer a uni­que direct ser­vice ex South Korea to Pol­and, enab­ling to offer more space for pro­ject car­go and also con­nec­tion into the Bal­tic via Gdansk. FAL 1 is also the oppor­tu­ni­ty to impro­ve your envi­ron­ment foot­print by enjoy­ing LGN ships.


This CMA CGM pro­duct is an addi­tio­nal oppor­tu­ni­ty for our cus­to­mers to sup­port our Polish local mar­ket deve­lo­p­ment but also inland oppor­tu­ni­ties to Ukrai­ne – Czech Repu­blic – Slo­va­kia – Hungary.


Quel­le & Kontakt:

CMA CGM Mar­seil­le Head Office, 4, quai d’A­renc 13235 Mar­seil­le cedex 02 France
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