Kop­c­zyns­ka is the new direc­tor gene­ral for EU’s DG Move

On august 1th the European Commission has appointed Magda Kopczynska as Director-General at the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE).

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This Com­mis­si­on depart­ment is respon­si­ble for deve­lo­ping trans­port and mobi­li­ty poli­ci­es for the EU, making trans­port sus­tainable, safe, afforda­ble and acces­si­ble to all. The date of effect of this appoint­ment is yet to be deter­mi­ned.
With almost 10 years of expe­ri­ence in seni­or manage­ment posi­ti­ons at the Com­mis­si­on, inclu­ding over 8 years in the field of trans­port, Mag­da Kop­c­zyns­ka is par­ti­cu­lar­ly well-suited to take on her new posi­ti­on. She is endo­wed with estab­lished skills in pro­vi­ding effec­ti­ve lea­der­ship and manage­ment, and has a demons­tra­ted capa­ci­ty for imple­men­ting sound stra­te­gic coor­di­na­ti­on to suc­cessful­ly achie­ve the objec­ti­ves of her depart­ments. In her new capa­ci­ty, she will also draw on her tho­rough know­ledge of the various aspects of trans­port poli­cy, with a par­ti­cu­lar empha­sis on water­bor­ne trans­port as well as on the sus­taina­bi­li­ty and inno­va­ti­on aspects in mobi­li­ty.
Mag­da Kop­c­zyns­ka, a polish natio­nal, is curr­ent­ly Depu­ty Direc­tor Gene­ral at DG AGRI. From 2014 to 2022 she was Direc­tor for two dif­fe­rent Direc­to­ra­tes in DG MOVE, inclu­ding ‘Inno­va­ti­ve and Sus­tainable trans­port“ and ‘Water­bor­ne Trans­port“ and pre­vious­ly she also hea­ded various units in the same DG. Befo­re start­ing her care­er at the Commission„s for­mer Directorate-General Inter­nal Mar­ket and Ser­vices (DG MARKT) in 2006, she held a varie­ty of posi­ti­ons in the public, pri­va­te and non-governmental sectors.

Mag­da Kopczynska


Quel­le & Kontakt:

Euro­pean Commission
Balazs Ujva­ri – Tel.: +32 229 54578
Vero­ni­ca Faval­li – Tel.: +32 229 87269
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