Team­ing up to pro­vi­de climate-neutral trans­port bet­ween Den­mark and the UK

Arla, Danish Crown, DFDS and DSV have teamed up in a new partnership to develop a climate-neutral transport corridor between Denmark and the UK. The ambition for the partnership is to transport Arla’s and Danish Crown’s products from farms in Denmark to consumers in the UK with zero impact on the environment.

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Every year, Arla and Danish Crown export vast quan­ti­ties of foods through the port at Esbjerg in Den­mark to Imming­ham on the east coast of Eng­land and on to the UK mar­ket, and trans­ports have a signi­fi­cant car­bon foot­print. The two food giants have now tea­m­ed up with DFDS and DSV to deve­lop a new trans­port cor­ri­dor to achie­ve climate-neutral food trans­ports from Den­mark to the UK (net zero) by 2030.

“The enti­re agri­cul­tu­ral sec­tor is curr­ent­ly under­go­ing a his­to­ric tran­si­ti­on, and both Arla and Danish Crown have com­mit­ted to beco­ming climate-neutral by 2050. We can only achie­ve that by joi­ning forces, and DFDS and DVS are of a simi­lar mind. Tog­e­ther, we want to explo­re and deve­lop the oppor­tu­ni­ties alre­a­dy available to us today, rather than wait for new tech­no­lo­gies,” explains Bo Sva­ne, Head of Logi­stics at Arla.

The scope of the trans­port cor­ri­dor will gra­du­al­ly be expan­ded as the use of elec­tric trucks, elec­tric ref­ri­ge­ra­ted trai­lers and the deve­lo­p­ment of gree­ner fuels are tes­ted, pha­sed in and sca­led up, so that new tech­no­lo­gies may be employ­ed in trans­port­ing Arla’s and Danish Crown’s pro­ducts by 2030.

“The part­ner­ship for the cor­ri­dor fits hand in glove with our ambi­ti­on to lead the way in the green tran­si­ti­on of the food indus­try. We’ll be ope­ning a new fac­to­ry in the UK this autumn, and with the cor­ri­dor in place by 2030, we’ll be able to offer our Bri­tish cus­to­mers food pro­ducts that have been trans­por­ted all the way from farms in Den­mark to super­mar­kets in the UK wit­hout impac­ting the envi­ron­ment,” says Lars Feld­skou, Group CPO of Danish Crown.

Cru­cial infrastructure

Having work­ed on deve­lo­ping the trans­port cor­ri­dor during the past year, the four com­pa­nies are now rea­dy to launch seve­ral pilot pro­jects. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, Danish Crown plans to test the use of elec­tric trucks to coll­ect pigs, while DFDS and DSV will con­duct a pilot test on the use of elec­tric trucks and elec­tric ref­ri­ge­ra­ted trai­lers for trans­port­ing dairy and meat pro­ducts to Esbjerg and for dis­tri­bu­ti­on in the UK. DFDS and DVS have been ope­ra­ting this freight rou­te for many years, and they share the ambi­ti­on to impro­ve it and to redu­ce and gra­du­al­ly remo­ve its cli­ma­te impact.

“We’re exci­ted to be one of four lar­ge com­pa­nies team­ing up for this pro­ject, in which we’ll not only pro­mo­te but actual­ly begin deli­ve­ring on the green tran­si­ti­on. We need to col­la­bo­ra­te across the value chain to sol­ve the cli­ma­te cri­sis,” says Anders Mika­el Chris­ten­sen, Vice Pre­si­dent, DFDS Logistics.

The first char­ging points for elec­tric trucks have alre­a­dy been instal­led at a few loca­ti­ons in Den­mark, but we need many more and with suf­fi­ci­ent char­ging capa­ci­ty to hand­le heavy-duty traf­fic, inclu­ding at the har­bour in Esbjerg and at Danish Crown and Arla loca­ti­ons in Denmark.

“A climate-neutral trans­port cor­ri­dor needs not only com­mer­cial com­mit­ment but also the poli­ti­cal will to expand the infra­struc­tu­re. There’s no snap solu­ti­on to sol­ving the cli­ma­te cri­sis, and that’s pre­cis­e­ly why team­ing up across sec­tors like we’re doing now is so important,” says Mor­ten Kjær­gaard, Vice Pre­si­dent, DSV Road.

The com­pa­nies behind the ambi­ti­on for a climate-neutral food trans­port cor­ri­dor will begin gathe­ring data alre­a­dy next year to mea­su­re the partnership’s effects on the climate.




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