Trans­fer of rou­te from Sheer­ness to Tilbury

DFDS has announced that it will be launching a new unaccompanied freight service from Tilbury to Calais, replacing its existing Sheerness – Calais service.

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The new­ly loca­ted ser­vice will start in late June 2023 and will offer one dai­ly sai­ling in each direc­tion six days a week. The dedi­ca­ted Til­bu­ry – Calais ser­vice will be ope­ra­ted by the Bot­nia Sea­ways ship, with space for 115 unac­com­pa­nied units.

The relo­ca­ti­on comes as a result of feed­back recei­ved from cus­to­mers and demand for a more acces­si­ble rou­te into the UK.

In the press release, Paul Dale, Asset & Site Direc­tor, Port of Til­bu­ry said:

“We warm­ly wel­co­me DFDS back to the Port of Til­bu­ry as we con­firm that the busy Calais dai­ly ro-ro fer­ry ser­vice will begin this month. This is a signi­fi­cant long-term agree­ment with DFDS, who we have pre­vious­ly work­ed with, and we are loo­king for­ward to recei­ving the first ves­sel into Til­bu­ry end of June. As London’s fas­test gro­wing port, DFDS’s cus­to­mers will bene­fit from our stra­te­gic loca­ti­on on the Tha­mes which is within easy reach of the Lon­don and the south-east mar­kets, as well as access to our mul­ti­mo­dal faci­li­ties inclu­ding a dedi­ca­ted freight rail ope­ra­ti­on with con­nec­tions across the UK. The new dri­ver­less freight fer­ry ser­vice fur­ther cements our posi­ti­on as a vital gate­way to Euro­pe and sup­ports our focus on achie­ving Net Zero by hel­ping to remo­ve trucks from the UK’s con­ge­sted road networks.”

The exis­ting ser­vice bet­ween Sheer­ness and Calais will cea­se ope­ra­ti­on at the end of June. DFDS has had a strong part­ner­ship with the Port of Sheer­ness sin­ce the launch of its unac­com­pa­nied freight ser­vice at the port in June 2021. The two orga­ni­sa­ti­ons col­la­bo­ra­ted to make the rou­te a suc­cess, gro­wing volu­mes and incre­asing capa­ci­ty to meet cus­to­mer demand over the two-year peri­od of operation.

“We are very exci­ted to be working with Til­bu­ry Port on this new part­ner­ship to pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers with the ser­vice that they requi­re and expect from DFDS”, says Jean-Claude Char­lo, Rou­te Direc­tor for DFDS. “Our decis­i­on to relo­ca­te our freight ser­vices to Til­bu­ry has not been made light­ly, but we have lis­ten­ed to the feed­back pro­vi­ded by our cus­to­mers and remain com­mit­ted to pro­vi­ding an unac­com­pa­nied freight ser­vice that will con­ti­nue to meet their needs. It has been a plea­su­re working with the Port of Sheer­ness the­se past two years and we have not­hing but thanks and gra­ti­tu­de for the pro­fes­sio­nal and excel­lent ser­vice that they have provided”.

Port of Calais



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