Samskip Acce­le­ra­tes Mul­ti­mo­dal Trans­port Ser­vice Deve­lo­p­ment in Cen­tral Eas­tern Euro­pe by Ope­ning Office in Czechia

As a next step toward reinforcing their value proposition to new markets, Samskip continues the expansion of its ‘multimodal customer care’ model in Czechia and Slovakia. The new office and regional Business Development Manager will empower Samskip and local shippers to effectively connect and discuss how to embed the multimodal way of transport into their supply chains which in many cases rely on the use of trailers.

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The recent expan­si­on of Samskip’s pre­sence in Pol­and was the start­ing point for the roll out of this initia­ti­ve in the regi­on.  Cus­to­mers that part­ner with Samskip value their Pan-European net­work which focu­ses on UK and Ire­land, while rea­ching all the way from Por­tu­gal up to Ice­land and Nor­t­hern Nor­way. Samskip’s fleet of 10.974 x 45’ high cube pal­let wide con­tai­ners offer fit-for-volume solu­ti­ons which mini­mi­ze the uncer­tain­ties of capa­ci­ty that cus­to­mers might encoun­ter in their sup­p­ly chains.  Ope­ning an office in Pra­gue sup­ports Samskip’s focus on cus­to­mer cen­tri­ci­ty and allows our team to be as clo­se to our cus­to­mers as pos­si­ble.

Filip Cha­ję­cki, Gene­ral Mana­ger Cen­tral Eas­tern Euro­pe, “In Cze­chia and Slo­va­kia, we want to deve­lop part­ner­ships with ship­pers that are keen to explo­re the sus­taina­bi­li­ty bene­fits and oppor­tu­ni­ties that Samskip offers their sup­p­ly chains.  Our exis­ting cus­to­mers alre­a­dy app­re­cia­te the high level of care and agi­le sup­port offe­red by our teams, and we look for­ward to making it our trade­mark in this regi­on as well. With our high level of care and use of digi­tal solu­ti­ons, we make the switch to mul­ti­mo­dal trans­port as easy as possible.”

Sus­taina­bi­li­ty and digi­ta­liza­ti­on con­ti­nue to be at the cen­ter of Samskip’s core values. Put­ting the­se values into action, Samskip offers a ran­ge of solu­ti­ons that opti­mi­ze our customer’s expe­ri­ence such as the “MySamskip” cus­to­mer por­tal which enhan­ces visi­bi­li­ty and makes the order pro­cess quick and effi­ci­ent. Our sus­taina­bi­li­ty goals are in part sup­port­ed by the increased use of the bio­fuels in our fleet, and the invest­ment Samskip has made toward the deve­lo­p­ment of its zero-emission hydro­gen powered ves­sels which will be added to their fleet in 2025. 

The team in Gdansk will work as a hub for cus­to­mer ser­vice and ope­ra­ti­ons for the Cen­tral Eas­tern Euro­pe regi­on. As part of Samskip’s cus­to­mer cen­tri­ci­ty cul­tu­re, cus­to­mer ser­vice in Pol­and will be sup­port­ed by local spea­king col­le­agues for Cze­chia and Slo­va­kia to fos­ter care and easy col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with our customers.

© Samskip


Johan van der Pijl, Regio­nal Direc­tor
Pho­ne: +371 273 397 79

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