Con­tai­ner­ships is now CMA CGM

Containerships became CMA CGM, effective July 1, 2023.

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Con­tai­ner­ships has play­ed a pivo­tal role in expan­ding the CMA CGM Group’s array of mul­ti­mo­dal solu­ti­ons. By incor­po­ra­ting this uni­fied model into CMA CGM offe­rings, the Group gains access to the exten­si­ve sea, road, rail and river solu­ti­ons offe­red by Con­tai­ner­ships.
The expe­ri­ence of their cus­to­mers and busi­ness part­ners will be enhan­ced thanks to bet­ter digi­tal tools, a wider ran­ge of CMA CGM ser­vices and a broa­der intra-European pre­sence. All tog­e­ther, stron­ger than ever. 


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