Wil­son places an order for up to 14 newbuildings

Wilson ASA, a leading European player in the short-sea market, announces the signing of a significant contract for the construction of six state-of-the-art 3,800 dwt future-proof newbuildings with a focus on environmental benefits, flexibility, and efficiency.

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In addi­ti­on, Wil­son can decla­re an opti­on for eight more ves­sels, total­ling the order to 14 ves­sels. This mile­stone unders­cores Wilson’s com­mit­ment to a sus­tainable and forward-looking mari­ti­me industry.

The con­trac­ted new­buil­dings will redu­ce envi­ron­men­tal impact and enhan­ce effi­ci­en­cy. The ves­sels will be desi­gned to meet and sur­pass envi­ron­men­tal stan­dards requi­red in today’s mari­ti­me indus­try and it is a step in the right direc­tion to fur­ther redu­ce the ship­ping car­bon footprint. 

The ves­sel will be equip­ped with energy-efficient machi­nery, opti­mi­zed hull design, and sys­tems for opti­mal resour­ce uti­liza­ti­on and fuel savings. In an ever-evolving indus­try, Wil­son belie­ves fle­xi­bi­li­ty is key, and the new­buil­dings will be desi­gned to adapt to a wide ran­ge of fuel and ener­gy types going forward.

With this order, Wil­son streng­thens its posi­ti­on as a modern and respon­si­ble play­er in the mari­ti­me indus­try. The plan is for the new­buil­dings to be rea­dy for deli­very by ear­ly 2025. It will fur­ther streng­then Wilson’s com­mit­ment to sus­tainable and effi­ci­ent mari­ti­me trans­por­ta­ti­on and ensu­ring the company’s abili­ty to deli­ver fle­xi­ble and effi­ci­ent ser­vices to our cli­ents. The new­bulings will also con­tri­bu­te to enhan­ced ope­ra­tio­nal excel­lence for the Wil­son fleet.

Wil­sons newbuildigs

© Wil­son



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