WEC Lines’ ves­sel WEC DE HOOGH has been under­go­ing an impres­si­ve trans­for­ma­ti­on in dry dock

The main reason to dry docking this vessel was to build in a scrubber installation: a Hybrid Loop Scrubber System. A hybrid loop system can run in both open and closed loop mode. The process water is either re-circulated or directly discharged back to sea. A scrubber, officially an Exhaust Gas Cleaning System, cleans the exhaust gases from Sulphur Oxides (SOx) emissions.

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Spe­cial Sili­con anti-fouling has been appli­ed to the ves­sel after remo­ving the old lay­ers from the ves­sel. This new anti-fouling has a very long dura­ti­on and is very effec­ti­ve resul­ting in less fuel con­sump­ti­on and ther­eby less Co2 emissions.


By adjus­ting the cell gui­de struc­tu­re an extra 40 45ft con­tai­ner posi­ti­ons have been rea­li­zed. Gre­at news for cli­ents who pre­fer ship­ping 45ft con­tai­ners with us on the SPM III rou­te lin­king Tha­me­sport, Rot­ter­dam and Ant­werp with the Ibe­ri­an Peninsula.


WEC De Hoogh has been pain­ted in our offi­ci­al colours for brand uni­for­mi­ty. Our aim is for ever­yo­ne to quick­ly reco­gni­ze our ves­sels… Oh, and let’s not for­get that the paint is more dura­ble, in line with our sus­tainable goals.


The main engi­ne has under­go­ne a full over­haul, mea­ning the engi­ne was com­ple­te­ly decon­s­truc­ted to place new inter­nal pie­ces. Also, all pro­pel­ler blades & elec­tro­nic pumps have been over­hau­led. The elec­tro­nic moni­to­ring sys­tems for the ship to shore are bet­ter equip­ped, and the holds have been sand­blas­ted and repain­ted. Ever­y­thing with the sole inten­ti­on of enhan­cing the vessel’s over­all performance.

In short, a lot of work has been done to ensu­re that our ves­sel can tech­ni­cal­ly per­form well for a long time ahead. She is now fresh out of dry dock and back in action! In the coming months you will see more WEC updates on the next ves­sels to go in dry dock and the pro­gress of pre­pa­ring our fleet for a future with more sus­tainable operations.

© WEC Lines

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WEC Lines

T+31 (0)10 491 33 50


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