WEC Lines laun­ches fast & direct ser­vice bet­ween Dub­lin & Liver­pool and Iberia

WEC Lines is excited to announce that as from 29 June 2024, the company will launch a direct, weekly service with short transit times connecting Portugal and Spain with Ireland and the United Kingdom in one seamless, fully controlled operation.

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The new weekly ser­vice will be per­for­med by an 812-TEU owned ves­sel in a fixed-day rota­ti­on, depar­ting Bil­bao on Satur­days, arri­ving in Dub­lin on Mon­days, and Liver­pool on Tues­days, pro­vi­ding cli­ents with a heigh­ten­ed level of fle­xi­bi­li­ty and effi­ci­en­cy, such as rapid end-mile deli­very.
As Roger Megann, Mana­ging Direc­tor WEC Lines UK, poin­ted out: “WEC Lines has been acti­ve in the Irish mar­ket for over 30 years from Por­tu­gal and fol­lo­wing our suc­cessful ent­ry into the Spa­nish mar­ket in 2021 by con­nec­ting Bil­bao to Liver­pool our cli­ents in both trades have been reques­t­ing WEC Lines to add Dub­lin and offer a wider pro­duct scope,” Megann adds: “This was fur­ther encou­ra­ged when WEC Lines ente­red the ree­fer mar­ket at the begin­ning of 2024 as the­re is a strong ree­fer trade bet­ween Ire­land, Spain and Por­tu­gal.”
This natu­ral pro­gres­si­on and evo­lu­ti­on of WEC Lines’ ser­vices also allows the Dutch car­ri­er to con­ti­nue gro­wing its trade bet­ween Spain and Por­tu­gal to Liver­pool as deman­ded by its cli­ents in both the dry and ree­fer mar­ket to offer increased fre­quen­cy, fas­ter tran­sits, and deli­ver relia­bi­li­ty. Liver­pool will now be cal­led twice a week, as it is also a port of call in the exis­ting NSC UK/PT ser­vice. Over­all, WEC Lines com­mit­ment to the Irish Sea net­work will ensu­re a pre­mi­um ser­vice to its clients.

In addi­ti­on, this stra­te­gi­cal­ly desi­gned rou­te seam­less­ly inte­gra­tes with WEC Lines’ rail con­nec­tions bet­ween Bil­bao and Bar­ce­lo­na, Valen­cia, Madrid, Zara­go­za, and Ago­n­cil­lo (La Rio­ja) as well as its exis­ting short sea lin­k­ages with Setú­bal, Leixões, Vigo, Gijón, Las Pal­mas de Gran Cana­ria, San­ta Cruz de Tene­ri­fe, Casa­blan­ca and Aga­dir.
“We are deligh­ted with this new upgrade and expan­si­on of our cur­rent ser­vices, adding a weekly
direct ser­vice to Dub­lin from Bil­bao from whe­re we con­nect with our sus­tainable weekly rail
net­work to inland Spain ‚” sta­ted Patrick Ram, Mana­ging Direc­tor WEC Lines Espa­ña. “ This also
crea­tes new oppor­tu­ni­ties from Cana­ry Islands, Gij ó n and Vigo in line with our goals of con­ti­nuous­ly
adding value to our pro­ducts and our com­mit ment to pro­vi­ding the best cus­to­mer ser­vice to our
The ful­ly owned ser­vice con­nec­ting the Ibe­ri­an Pen­in­su­la with Dub­lin and Liver­pool safe­guards com­ple­te and real-time infor­ma­ti­on, tho­rough moni­to­ring, and imme­dia­te ope­ra­tio­nal actions throug­hout the enti­re trans­por­ta­ti­on pro­cess which is par­ti­cu­lar­ly rele­vant when ship­ping temperature-sensitive, food-grade, or dan­ge­rous car­go. A wide ran­ge of equip­ment will be available
i.e., 20’, 40’ DV/HC/HCPW, 45’ HCPW, 45ft ree­fers, 20’, 40’ flats, and open top con­tai­ners.
“Our com­mit­ment to enhan­cing con­nec­ti­vi­ty, opti­mi­zing sche­du­les, and embra­cing envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious prac­ti­ces remains at the fore­front of our ope­ra­ti­ons,“ sta­ted Mor­ris Gel­der­land, WEC Lines’ Line Mana­ger Spain & Por­tu­gal to/from UK. „The launch of the Irish ser­vice under­lines our dedi­ca­ti­on to meet cus­to­mer demands while con­tri­bu­ting posi­tively to the indus­try.”
For inqui­ries, boo­kings, and more infor­ma­ti­on about the new ser­vices by WEC Lines, plea­se visit www.weclines.com or cont­act your local representative.

© WEC Lines

Quel­le & Kontakt:

Eva Rademaker-de Lee­uw
Mar­ke­ting & Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons WEC Lines
E‑Mail: press@weclines.com

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