WEC Lines Laun­ches Enhan­ced Short Sea Ser­vice Fur­ther Opti­mi­zing Con­nec­ti­vi­ty Bet­ween Nor­t­hern Euro­pe and Spain & Portugal

WEC Lines is proud to unveil the new and extended Northern Europe, Spain, Portugal service 'ESPT III' servicing Portugal and Spain into Northern Europe with three dedicated vessels in a 21-day loop commencing immediately.

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WEC Lines has com­bi­ned the strengths of the for­mer ESPT I & II ser­vices to crea­te the „ESPT III“ rou­te allo­wing for a shorter tran­sit time ex Rot­ter­dam. The stra­te­gi­cal­ly desi­gned rou­te encom­pas­ses key ports along the way, inclu­ding Ant­werp – Tha­me­sport – Moer­di­jk – Rot­ter­dam – Bil­bao – Leixoes – Lis­bon – Setu­bal – Sines – Leixoes – Vigo – Bil­bao and returns through Ant­werp. This fixed-day, weekly ser­vice with three ves­sels depar­ting from Rot­ter­dam on Tues­days, seam­less­ly inte­gra­tes with our con­nec­tions to the Spa­nish hin­ter­land (Bar­ce­lo­na, Valen­cia, Madrid, Zara­go­za, Bur­gos, and Ago­n­cil­lo (La Rio­ja) and from Spain & Por­tu­gal into the United King­dom, Net­her­lands, Bel­gi­um, Ger­ma­ny, Scan­di­na­via, Bal­tics, Ire­land, and Nor­t­hern Ireland.

„Our com­mit­ment to enhan­cing con­nec­ti­vi­ty, opti­mi­zing sche­du­les, and embra­cing envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious prac­ti­ces remains at the fore­front of our ope­ra­ti­ons,“ sta­ted Cae­sar Lui­ken­aar, Mana­ging Direc­tor of WEC Lines. „The launch of the ESPT III ser­vices under­lines our dedi­ca­ti­on to meet cus­to­mer demands while con­tri­bu­ting posi­tively to the industry.“

For inqui­ries, boo­kings, and more infor­ma­ti­on about the new ser­vices by WEC Lines, plea­se visit www.weclines.com or cont­act your local representative.

© W.E.C. Lines

Quel­le & Kontakt:

W.E.C. Lines B.V.

T+31 (0)10 491 3350



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