WEC Lines attends suc­cessful „Le port fait sa ren­trée“ event in Montoir-de-Bretagne

Monday October 9th and Tuesday October 10th, 2023, WEC Lines joined the “Le Port Fait Sa Rentrée” event, as organised by the Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port.

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Over 250 other guests par­ti­ci­pa­ted at the event, from local part­ners and ship­pers to ship­ping com­pa­nies and port aut­ho­ri­ties, to dis­cuss the latest short sea deve­lo­p­ments with as key topic the short sea CO2 emis­si­on reductions.

During this event, our Mana­ging Direc­tor Cae­sar Lui­ken­aar joi­n­ed a round table con­fe­rence to dis­cuss the the­me “Modal shift and Montoir’s place in the new logi­stics’ plan” as well as a smal­ler ses­si­on held for a sel­ec­ti­ve group of key stake­hol­ders and clients.

With the recent­ly intro­du­ced fixed day, 21-day round­trip from/to Moroc­co via Montoir-de-Bretagne into the UK and Bene­lux, WEC Lines’ aims to unlock the West France/Great Bri­tain regi­on with solid short sea ser­vices and as such taking car­go off the road, and onto ves­sels to pro­mo­te sub­stan­ti­al CO2 emis­si­on savings. By offe­ring inter­mo­dal solu­ti­ons whe­re short sea, rail and road are com­bi­ned, we are not only pre­pa­ring saving CO2, but ensu­ring on-time deli­very and flexibility.

The event took place at the port’s ter­mi­nal & office whe­re all atten­de­es were invi­ted to visit the WEC Van Ruys­da­el. We would like to thank Phil­ip Col­let, Gene­ral Mana­ger WEC Lines Bel­gi­um, for taking on the role as “Chef de Mis­si­on” on behalf of WEC Lines thanks to whom we can look back at a suc­cessful event.

from left to right: John Mon­tei­ro WEC Rot­ter­dam, Patrick Ram WEC Espa­ña, Meh­di Ben­ch­akro­un WEC Maroc, Arant­xa Pera WEC Espa­ña, Cae­sar Lui­ken­aar WEC Lines, Roger Megann WEC UK, Pau­lo Hen­ri­que WEC Ibe­ro, Hicham Him­ri WEC Maroc, and Frank van der Weij­de Line Mana­ger Euro Maroc Service.

© WEC Lines

Quel­le & Kontakt:

W.E.C. Lines

T+31 (0)10 491 33 50

Maill office@weclines.com

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