UECC Col­la­bo­ra­tes with Good­Fuels and NYK to slash Car­bon Emis­si­ons with Sus­tainable Biofuel

United European Car Carriers (UECC), the leading provider of sustainable short sea ro-ro transportation in Europe, has successfully completed the delivery of sustainable biofuel in the port of Vlissingen, in collaboration with Dutch biofuel provider GoodFuels and vessel owner NYK, marking another significant milestone in UECC’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

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This ope­ra­ti­on marks the first time a UECC time-chartered ves­sel, m/v Emer­ald Lea­der, has been bun­ke­red with bio­fuel, fur­ther soli­di­fy­ing UECC’s posi­ti­on as a lea­der in sus­tainable mari­ti­me transport.

The suc­cessful bio­fuel bun­ke­ring ope­ra­ti­on was made pos­si­ble through the clo­se part­ner­ship bet­ween UECC, Good­Fuels, and NYK. Good­Fuels, the lea­ding bio­fuels pro­vi­der for the glo­bal trans­port indus­try, deli­ver­ed the B30 blend, 470 ton­nes of VLS­FO and sus­tainable bio­fuel, to UECC in the port of Vlis­sin­gen, Net­her­lands on 27 May, 2023. NYK, joint owner of UECC, pro­vi­ded inva­luable tech­ni­cal sup­port throug­hout the ope­ra­ti­on and is working clo­se­ly with UECC to moni­tor the biofuel’s per­for­mance on m/v Emer­ald Leader.

Good­Fuels’ bio­fuel, which redu­ces CO2 emis­si­ons by up to 90% com­pared to con­ven­tio­nal fos­sil fuels, is sourced from rene­wa­ble and sus­tainable feedstocks that are cer­ti­fied as 100% was­te or resi­due, do not com­pe­te with food pro­duc­tion or cau­se defo­re­sta­ti­on. By incor­po­ra­ting this bio­fuel into its ope­ra­ti­ons, UECC is taking a proac­ti­ve approach to redu­cing its envi­ron­men­tal impact while deli­ve­ring clea­ner and more sus­tainable trans­por­ta­ti­on to cus­to­mers across Europe.

„This momen­tous deli­very of next-generation bio­fuel repres­ents ano­ther signi­fi­cant step for­ward in our sus­taina­bi­li­ty jour­ney,“ said Mr. Daniel Gent, Ener­gy and Sus­taina­bi­li­ty Mana­ger for UECC. „We are proud to part­ner with Good­Fuels and NYK to bring this inno­va­ti­ve and envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly solu­ti­on to our cus­to­mers. By bun­ke­ring bio­fuel for the first time on a UECC time-chartered ves­sel, we demons­tra­te our unwa­ve­ring com­mit­ment to redu­cing our car­bon foot­print and pro­vi­ding clea­ner trans­por­ta­ti­on options.“

„We are thril­led to part­ner with UECC and NYK to deli­ver our advan­ced sus­tainable bio­fuel for the first time to m/v Emer­ald Lea­der,“ said Ber­nard van Haer­in­gen, Com­mer­cial Mana­ger at Good­Fuels. „This col­la­bo­ra­ti­on show­ca­ses the com­mit­ment of all par­ties invol­ved to com­bat­ting cli­ma­te chan­ge and acce­le­ra­ting the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on in the ship­ping indus­try. We are con­fi­dent that bio­fuels will play a cru­cial role in decar­bo­ni­s­ing the mari­ti­me sector.“

The uti­liza­ti­on of advan­ced sus­tainable bio­fuel on the Emer­ald Lea­der, which ope­ra­tes on UECC’s North South Trade, con­nec­ting the Eas­tern Medi­ter­ra­ne­an with Nor­t­hern Euro­pe, will signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce the car­bon inten­si­ty of UECC’s ope­ra­ti­ons. This mile­stone unders­cores UECC’s deter­mi­na­ti­on to pro­vi­de sus­tainable trans­por­ta­ti­on solu­ti­ons to its cus­to­mers, while con­tri­bu­ting to the glo­bal efforts of miti­ga­ting cli­ma­te change.

UECC, Good­Fuels, and NYK remain com­mit­ted to moni­to­ring the per­for­mance of the bio­fuel on the Emer­ald Lea­der, gathe­ring valuable data and insights to fur­ther advan­ce the use of sus­tainable bio­fuels in the mari­ti­me indus­try. Tog­e­ther, the­se indus­try lea­ders are paving the way for a gree­ner, more sus­tainable future, ensu­ring a clea­ner and more effi­ci­ent ship­ping sector.

Good­Fuels UECC NYK Line Emer­ald Leader


Quel­le & Kontakt:

Bjorn O. Gran Sven­ningsen, Direc­tor Sales & Mar­ke­ting, UECC 

Email: bsv@uecc.coQuellem

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