Elec­tra­mar suc­cessful­ly launched

Electramar, the first unit in the series of twelve highly energy-efficient plug-in hybrid vessels, was successfully launched at Chowgule Shipyard on 21st June. Outfitting of the vessel now continues in the shipyard’s outfitting quay.

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“Laun­ching of a ves­sel is always a spe­cial moment in ship­buil­ding, and we are exci­ted to see the ves­sel in its real ele­ment for the first time”, says Mik­ki Kos­ki­nen, Mana­ging Direc­tor of ESL Ship­ping and Chair­man of the Board of AtoB@C Shipping.

Curr­ent­ly, the shi­py­ard has five ves­sels under con­s­truc­tion in various stages. Steel cut­ting cerem­o­ny for the fifth ves­sel in the series, Maxi­mar, was cele­bra­ted at the shi­py­ard in the tra­di­tio­nal Indi­an way at the end of March and the keel lay­ing of the fourth ves­sel, Aqua­mar, in late April.

Elec­tra­mar will be deli­ver­ed in the autumn of this year. After that, one ves­sel will fol­low every three months. The order con­sists of twel­ve ves­sels with the last deli­very expec­ted in the second quar­ter of 2026.

More infor­ma­ti­on of the ves­sels is available here

© Elec­tra­mar


Mik­ki Kos­ki­nen
Mana­ging Direc­tor, ESL Ship­ping Ltd
Chair­man of the Board, AtoB@C Ship­ping AB
mob. +358 50 351 7791, firstname.lastname@eslshipping.com

Fri­da Row­land
Com­mer­cial Direc­tor, AtoB@C Ship­ping & ESL Ship­ping
mob. +46 70 817 3620, firstname.lastname@eslshipping.com

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