UECC boosts its pre­sence in the Bis­cay and con­nects Pasa­jes with Cuxhaven

UECC will establish a direct link between the Port of Pasajes, Spain and the Port of Cuxhaven, Germany since of the 5th of May 2023. The Autostar (https://uecc.com/fleet/our-vessels/) will be deployed in this new service, which is at the back of a new major car OEM contract secured by UECC.

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The Auto­star will sail in a 9–10 days rota­ti­on from Pasa­jes via Zee­brug­ge to Cux­ha­ven and back via Sout­hamp­ton to Pasa­jes.  This will fur­ther boost UECC’s sai­ling fre­quen­cy in the Bis­cay to 3–4 sai­lings per week.  The Auto­star is also sui­ta­ble for loa­ding high and hea­vy and break­bulk rol­ling car­goes, up to 82 metric tons, in addi­ti­on to cars (2080 RT43 units capacity).

The tran­sit time from Pasa­jes to Zee­brug­ge will be 2 days, Pasa­jes to Cux­ha­ven 3 days, Zee­brug­ge to Cux­ha­ven 1 day and Cux­ha­ven to Sout­hamp­ton 1,5 days.  From Zee­brug­ge UECC is able to con­nect to num­e­rous Euro­pean ports through its exten­si­ve liner tra­ding net­work:  (https://uecc.com/media/1624/uecc-liner-trading-network-feb-2023.pdf) ser­ving 22 ports from the Bal­tic Sea in the north to the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an Sea in the south.

“I am very plea­sed with this new deve­lo­p­ment” said Per Chris­ti­an Mørk, UECC’s COO.  Mørk fur­ther sta­ted “this will fur­ther cement our posi­ti­on in the Bis­cay and UECC is able to offer the mar­ket a ser­vice second to none in this area”. 


UECC’s Auto­star  


Bjorn O. Gran Sven­ningsen, Direc­tor Sales & Mar­ke­ting, UECC 

Email: bsv@uecc.com

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