Ste­na Line dis­con­ti­nues rou­te bet­ween Nynäs­hamn in Swe­den and Hanko in Fin­land from 20 October

Swedish ferry operator Stena Line today announces the discontinuation of its route between Nynäshamn in Sweden and Hanko in Finland. The main reason being failing demand from freight customers due to the development of the current geopolitical situation. The route will operate until 20 October, when both vessels on the route will be redeployed in the charter market or within the Stena Line fleet.

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In the begin­ning of 2022, fer­ry ope­ra­tor Ste­na Line laun­ched a new rou­te bet­ween Nynäs­hamn in Swe­den and Hanko in Fin­land in respon­se to hea­vy mar­ket demand and on direct request from exis­ting logi­sti­cal net­work customers.

Due to the deve­lo­p­ment of the cur­rent geo­po­li­ti­cal situa­ti­on the pre­vious volu­mes have been redu­ced and ser­vices on the mar­ket have beco­me satu­ra­ted. As a result, the demand from Ste­na Lines trade cus­to­mers on the rou­te has not deve­lo­ped as expected.

The Fin­nish government’s decis­i­on to grant an exemp­ti­on from the Euro­pean Uni­on Emis­si­ons Tra­ding Sys­tem (ETS) from 1 Janu­ary 2024 for ves­sels tra­ding via Åland will also crea­te an uneven com­mer­cial land­scape with a clear advan­ta­ge for trade via Åland.

As a con­se­quence of the deve­lo­p­ment and the out­look for the imme­dia­te future, Ste­na Line has deci­ded to dis­con­ti­nue ope­ra­ti­ons on the rou­te. The rou­te will ope­ra­te until 20 Octo­ber, when the ves­sels will lea­ve the rou­te for new assign­ments in eit­her the char­ter mar­ket or within the Ste­na Line fleet.

“It is with a hea­vy heart we have rea­ched the point, whe­re we have to dis­con­ti­nue our rou­te bet­ween Swe­den and Fin­land. This has been a very dif­fi­cult decis­i­on, but after con­side­ring all aspects we are con­vin­ced that we have made the right decis­i­on”, says Johan Edel­man, Trade Direc­tor Bal­tic Sea North, Ste­na Line. 

Ste­na Line is in dia­lo­gue with the trade uni­on and the peo­p­le on the rou­te kee­ping them infor­med. All freight cus­to­mers and pas­sen­gers will be infor­med and offe­red a refund if they have boo­ked tickets after 20 Octo­ber. They will also be given help to secu­re other means of trans­port if necessary.

© Ste­na Line

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Tel. +46 (0) 31 85 85 32

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