Samskip offers 3 new services

Samskip embrace the new year with high expectations, they are also proud to celebrate the most recent new services that they have added to Samskip’s logistics portfolio!

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  1. Ser­vice:

    Bal­tic Sea Ser­vices – Fin­land & Latvia 

    • Direct ser­vice from the Bal­tic Sea regi­on to the UK with short tran­sit times,
    • Ser­vice relia­bi­li­ty is ensu­red through added sche­du­le buffers,
    • Samskip owned truck­ing capa­ci­ty in Lat­via and the UK,
    • The Port of Hull is ide­al­ly loca­ted to ser­ve the who­le of the UK

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  2.  Ser­vice:

    Nor­way Oslo­fjord Short­sea Service

    • Dedi­ca­ted Short-Sea service,
    • Mul­ti­mo­dal con­tai­ner & ree­fer services,
    • tank & bulk services,
    • Fre­quent sai­lings & relia­ble service,
    • Dai­ly coll­ec­tions and/or deli­veries in Oslo area basis: 
    • 3 port calls per week in Oslo,
    • 2 port calls per week in Moss.

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  3.  Ser­vice:

    San­tan­der – Dub­lin – Liverpool

    • Direct Con­tai­ner Ser­vice from Spain to Ireland,
    • Weekly (Satur­day) depar­tures from San­tan­der to Dub­lin (DFT),
    • Mul­ti­ple equip­ment types – Con­tai­ners, Reefers, 
    • Flat-Racks & Q2Q ship­pers own,
    • Sus­tainable alter­na­ti­ve to road transport,
    • Addi­tio­nal rou­te opti­on Dub­lin – Liverpool.

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