Samskip expands stra­te­gic Bal­tic Sea deve­lo­p­ment to increase ser­vice capa­ci­ty and include Klai­pe­da in the network

Samskip expands strategic Baltic Sea development to increase service capacity and include Klaipeda in the network. Friday March 1st marked the date when Samskip took the next step in its strategic Baltic Sea development by increasing service capacity and adding the port of Klaipeda to its network.

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The exten­ded ser­vice fol­lows the suc­cessful estab­lish­ment of Samskip’s dedi­ca­ted Bal­tic Sea short­sea ser­vice in Novem­ber 2023. Sin­ce its kick-off, the Samskip Bal­tic Sea ser­vice has pro­vi­ded market-leading sche­du­ling relia­bi­li­ty sup­port­ed by unri­va­led Cus­to­mer Experience.

As part of the exten­ded Bal­tic Sea ser­vice, Samskip will increase capa­ci­ty by deploy­ing two 803 TEU con­tai­ner ves­sels on the trade rou­te and add the Lithua­ni­an port of Klai­pe­da to the fixed-day weekly sai­ling sche­du­le which con­nects the UK and the Net­her­lands with Fin­land and the Bal­tic States.

In addi­ti­on, Samskip will relo­ca­te its UK port of call from Hull to the neigh­bor­ing Hum­ber port of Imming­ham. This move fur­ther gua­ran­tees sche­du­le inte­gri­ty, allo­wing for even smoot­her con­nec­ti­vi­ty with Samskip’s owned truck fleet based in Imming­ham for “last mile” deliveries. 

The new­ly exten­ded ser­vice is in ans­wer to cus­to­mer demand for a relia­ble short­sea ser­vice in Fin­land and the Bal­tic Sta­tes com­bi­ned with a strong focus on Cus­to­mer Cen­tri­ci­ty. The­se two core values are now available to Lithua­ni­an export­ers who can bene­fit from market-leading tran­sit times bet­ween Lithua­nia and the UK. Samskip ves­sels will depart from Klai­pe­da every Satur­day mor­ning to arri­ve three days later in Imming­ham on Tues­day morning.

Samskip Regio­nal Direc­tor – Bal­tic Sea, Johan van der Pijl, said: “Ser­vice, relia­bi­li­ty and the con­ti­nuous enhance­ment of our cus­to­mers expe­ri­ence have been and will remain our core values in this cor­ri­dor. Fue­led by the short­sea exper­ti­se in our DNA, our dedi­ca­ti­on to the­se values has dri­ven Samskip to deli­ver market-leading relia­bi­li­ty and cus­to­mer expe­ri­ence sin­ce the kick-off of our Bal­tic Sea ser­vice last Novem­ber. We are exci­ted to roll out the­se cus­to­mer focu­sed values to the Lithua­ni­an mar­ket. Adding our own truck fleet based in Imming­ham, we are able offer cus­to­mers a care-free and seam­less door-to-door trans­port experience.”


For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se cont­act your local Samskip sales representative.

Port of Klaipeda

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Quel­le & Kontakt

Samskip head office

pho­ne +31 88 400 1000


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