Arkas Logi­stics Expands Inter­mo­dal Ser­vices in Europe

Arkas Logistics, duisport and Hupac signed a service contract for intermodal transportation. Two-way train services between Halkali and Duisburg terminals will enhance freight transportation to multiple European countries including Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, and Germany.

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Arkas Logi­stics keeps advan­cing future-oriented logi­stics solu­ti­ons and expan­ding its inter­mo­dal ser­vices. Through its agree­ment with dui­sport, Europe’s lar­gest inter­mo­dal logi­stics ter­mi­nal ope­ra­tor, and Swiss rail­way com­pa­ny Hupac, Arkas Logi­stics will now dis­patch its inter­mo­dal trans­ports from Hal­ka­li to Europe.

Arkas Logi­stics will main­tain its inter­mo­dal ser­vice, uti­li­zing its own 45’ con­tai­ners that depart from Hal­ka­li sta­ti­on dai­ly. They will faci­li­ta­te trans­ports to Ger­ma­ny (Ruhr Gebit regi­on), Bel­gi­um, and the Net­her­lands. Arkas Logi­stics will ensu­re swift com­ple­ti­on of its door-to-door 24-ton capa­ci­ty trans­ports within appro­xi­m­ate­ly 7–9 days. The sys­tem actively col­la­bo­ra­tes with all ser­vice pro­vi­ders along the rou­te, pro­vi­ding over 400 rail con­nec­tions and over 80 direct desti­na­ti­ons to Euro­pe and Asia through the dui­sport terminal.

Michail Stahl­hut, Onur Göç­mez, Mar­kus Ban­gen, Peter Van Ling, Arif Der, Alber­to Gri­so­ne, Ren­zo Capanni

Onur Goc­mez, CEO of Arkas Logi­stics, said the fol­lo­wing about the ser­vice contract:

“Inte­rest in sus­tainable logi­stics is gro­wing all over the world. We are exe­cu­ting our plans and invest­ments in ali­gnment with this sen­si­ti­vi­ty and demand. Euro­pe is Türkiye’s most important export mar­ket. The Euro­pean green deal requi­res trans­for­ma­ti­on in every sec­tor. Tür­ki­ye must deve­lop logi­stics solu­ti­ons to uphold and enhan­ce its com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness in export­ing to third count­ries, par­ti­cu­lar­ly the EU. The ser­vice agree­ment bet­ween dui­sport and Hupac in the realm of inter­mo­dal trans­por­ta­ti­on repres­ents a signi­fi­cant step in this regard. Through this agree­ment, we belie­ve that we will make a sus­tainable con­tri­bu­ti­on to the trade volu­me of our export­ers, pro­du­cers, and con­se­quent­ly, our coun­try. In the broa­der con­text, Arkas Logi­stics’ invest­ment in 5 envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly loco­mo­ti­ves, sche­du­led for deli­very in 2025, will play a signi­fi­cant role in the future of logi­stics solutions.”


Fas­ter, Con­ve­ni­ent and Gree­ner Trans­por­ta­ti­on to Europe

Inter­mo­dal trans­por­ta­ti­on stands out in the logi­stics indus­try by pro­vi­ding a con­cept that is inte­gra­ted and tail­o­red to its needs, offe­ring num­e­rous advan­ta­ges. The sys­tem not only sur­pas­ses land trans­por­ta­ti­on in terms of cost-effectiveness but also out­paces mari­ti­me trans­por­ta­ti­on in terms of speed. Addi­tio­nal­ly, with its envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly fea­tures and con­ve­ni­ent door-to-door deli­very, it stands as one of the lea­ding solu­ti­ons for the future.


Five Loco­mo­ti­ves Arri­ving in 2025

Arkas, dri­ven by the belief that sup­port­ing local pro­duc­tion in Tür­ki­ye is cru­cial for Anatolia’s deve­lo­p­ment, has been inves­t­ing in rail­roads for seve­ral years. As part of its com­mit­ment to inno­va­ti­on in the Tur­ki­sh logi­stics sec­tor, Arkas is acqui­ring a loco­mo­ti­ve. With a sub­stan­ti­al invest­ment of 38.5 mil­li­on Euros, the com­pa­ny has pla­ced an order for five Euro Dual model loco­mo­ti­ves. The­se loco­mo­ti­ves are sche­du­led for deli­very in 2025. Using envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly loco­mo­ti­ves, Arkas will ope­ra­te sche­du­led ser­vices to trans­port import-export con­tai­ners from Türkiye’s major indus­tri­al cities to the country’s lar­gest ports.


Euro­pe and Iron Silk Road with Rou­te Sche­du­led Services

Rail­port, the land ter­mi­nal joint­ly estab­lished by Arkas and dui­sport in Kar­te­pe, stands as a prime exam­p­le of com­pre­hen­si­ve logi­stics solu­ti­ons, which have gai­ned increased signi­fi­can­ce in recent years. The ter­mi­nal is sche­du­led to beco­me ope­ra­tio­nal in 2024. Rail­port will ser­ve as a trans­ship­ment ter­mi­nal, enab­ling the unloa­ding and hand­ling of car­go from trains arri­ving from and depar­ting to Euro­pe. Arkas, on the other hand, will uti­li­ze its own loco­mo­ti­ves for its Euro­pean trans­por­ta­ti­on until rea­ching Kapikule.

In addi­ti­on, Arkas Logi­stics, having pio­nee­red rail trans­por­ta­ti­on on the BTK (Baku-Tbilisi-Kars) rail­way line in 2017, now trans­ports car­go to Euro­pe in tran­sit through the Mar­ma­ray con­nec­tion on the China-Türkiye Iron Silk Road. This is faci­li­ta­ted by Arkas Rail, a com­pa­ny estab­lished under its umbrel­la last year. The new­ly estab­lished trans­por­ta­ti­on cor­ri­dors pro­vi­de an oppor­tu­ni­ty to trans­port Türkiye’s export car­goes to new count­ries by rail. Moreo­ver, due to Türkiye’s stra­te­gic geo­gra­phi­cal loca­ti­on, tran­sit car­goes bet­ween Euro­pe and Asia can also be effi­ci­ent­ly trans­por­ted through the coun­try. This has led to increased demand for rail­way trans­por­ta­ti­on in Tür­ki­ye, sub­se­quent­ly acce­le­ra­ting invest­ments in new gene­ra­ti­on loco­mo­ti­ves and wagons.

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Arkas Logi­stics

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