New weekly con­tai­ner rou­te con­nec­ting Copen­ha­gen with 3 Ger­man Hub ports

Starting from November 16th , CMP’s container terminal in Copenhagen is served with one additional container ship call every week. This additional service means that we are connecting Copenhagen with the three major German hub ports: Hamburg twice a week - Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven once a week.

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The new rou­te is doubling the weekly ser­vice, enab­ling local and regio­nal com­pa­nies to grow their busi­ness to and from Zea­land, Den­mark. 

“The vast majo­ri­ty – curr­ent­ly clo­se to 90% – of con­tai­ner goods arri­ving by ship to Zea­land is hand­led by CMP. The addi­tio­nal weekly Uni­fee­der call will ensu­re even bet­ter con­nec­ti­vi­ty bet­ween Copen­ha­gen and the major Nor­t­hern Euro­pean hub ports. The capi­tal regi­on and Zea­land is a gro­wing mar­ket. The city of Copen­ha­gen expects that the­re will be 100.000 addi­tio­nal Copen­ha­ge­ners befo­re 2050, incre­asing the need for among­st other things goods ship­ped by con­tai­ner,” says Sune Norup Chris­ten­sen, CCO at Copen­ha­gen Mal­mö Port. 

Expan­ded oppor­tu­ni­ties for direct con­nec­tions
“We are plea­sed that we can add an extra weekly call to Copen­ha­gen in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with CMP. Natu­ral­ly, we hope that our cus­to­mers, and espe­ci­al­ly importers/exporters in Zea­land, will bene­fit from the expan­ded oppor­tu­ni­ties for direct con­nec­tions to all three tran­sit ports in Ger­ma­ny – Ham­burg, Bre­mer­ha­ven, and Wil­helms­ha­ven,” says Unifeeder’s Area Direc­tor Scan­di­na­via, Jens Juel Rasmussen.

For more information:

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