New WEC Lines Agent in Poland

WEC Lines is pleased to announce that since 1 juli 2024 long time WEC agent, Ariujus Group Company Kontransa, UAB has oped a new office in Gdynia, Poland.

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This step marks an important event in the histo­ry of Kontransa’s deve­lo­p­ment, and is yet ano­ther mile­stone for WEC Lines in fur­ther enhan­cing our ser­vice offe­rings throug­hout Euro­pe and beyond.

Kon­tran­sa, UAB Direc­tor Dona­tas Pau­l­aus­kas notes: “The Polish mar­ket has gre­at poten­ti­al, which was also noti­ced by the mana­gers of the ship­ping line WEC Lines. From 2018 we have repre­sen­ted WEC Lines in Lithua­nia, Lat­via and Esto­nia, and from July 1 of this year, we have been ent­rus­ted with the rights of repre­sen­ta­ti­on in Pol­and as well.”

Accor­ding to Dona­tas Pau­l­aus­kas, this deve­lo­p­ment poses inte­res­t­ing chal­lenges and at the same time pro­vi­des new oppor­tu­ni­ties. Long-term expe­ri­ence in this busi­ness allows us to con­fi­dent­ly look to the future and under­ta­ke such lar­ge projects.

Sub­si­dia­ry com­pa­ny Kon­tran­sa Sp.zo.o. has ope­ned its doors in Pol­and on July 1 of this year, start­ing a new pha­se of ope­ra­ti­ons and streng­thening the company’s posi­ti­on in the inter­na­tio­nal market.

The new office, loca­ted at Wla­dys­la­wa IV 43 – room 507, Gdy­nia, Pol­and, will be hea­ded by Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment Mana­ger Mr. Ser­gei Owsianik.

© WEC Lines

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WEC Lines

Tel. +31 (0)10 491 33 50



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