Eller­man and MSC Sign Slot Agree­ment for Atlan­tic Routes

Ellerman City Liners and MSC have signed an agreement that will see Ellerman utilizing a combination of MSC capacity and its own independent vessel between ports in ScanBaltic, Northern Europe and the Atlantic Coast of the United States. The agreement includes a set weekly volume, with an option for Ellerman to increase as required. It covers both dry cargo and reefers and will commence on or around 1st January 2024 from Klaipeda.

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Pas­qua­le For­mi­s­a­no, Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent of MSC, said, “I’m very plea­sed we’re exten­ding our stra­te­gic part­ner­ship with Eller­man, one of the ship­ping industry’s gre­at names. This agree­ment is all about effi­ci­en­cy. Gua­ran­teed car­go means we can ope­ra­te at maxi­mum capa­ci­ty and, the­r­e­fo­re, mini­mi­se the envi­ron­men­tal impact of each TEU we car­ry. The more we can do that, the more we can redu­ce emissions.”

Peter Andrews, Com­mer­cial Direc­tor of Eller­man, said, “We are deligh­ted to announ­ce this co-operation with MSC, the world’s lar­gest ship­ping com­pa­ny. This agree­ment allows Eller­man to ope­ra­te with grea­ter effi­ci­en­cy, redu­cing our envi­ron­men­tal foot­print whilst also broa­de­ning our geo­gra­phi­cal scope in both Euro­pe and the United States.”

The agree­ment covers rou­tes bet­ween ports in Swe­den, Pol­and, Lithua­nia, Ger­ma­ny, UK, Bel­gi­um and France, and ports on the Atlan­tic Coast of the United Sta­tes, from New York to Flo­ri­da. It also includes the capa­ci­ty to extend ser­vices to include rou­tes around the world.

For more infor­ma­ti­on about Eller­man City Liners and its ser­vices, plea­se cont­act our Eller­man City Liners team at info@ellermanlines.com.


© Gerd Alt­mann auf Pixabay

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