Direct con­nec­tion bet­ween METRANS Buda­pest Cse­pel ter­mi­nal and the port of Rije­ka and METRANS ter­mi­nal Indija

METRANS offers new connection.

spc Newsletter

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Dear Busi­ness Part­ner!

We are glad to inform you, that in regards to the incre­asing num­ber of requests about the expan­si­on of METRANS acti­vi­ties to and from the port of Rije­ka, a new regu­lar con­nec­tion bet­ween RIJE­KA – BUDA­PEST will be laun­ched with the vali­di­ty from 01.06.2023. From this date, pri­ces to/from the Port of Rije­ka and the Czech Repu­blic, Slo­va­kia, Aus­tria and Hun­ga­ry will be appli­ed per the TARIFF pri­ces valid for the Port of Koper. It does NOT app­ly to nego­tia­ted spe­cial pri­ce arran­ge­ments. In case of this con­nec­tion, the TES is valid in the amount of EUR 15 / TEU.
Here­wi­th, we would like to high­light, that we app­re­cia­te the sup­port of the port of Rije­ka (AGCT), also we are plea­sed that we will be able to meet the requi­re­ments of our cus­to­mers with the new sup­ple­men­ta­ry ser­vice.

As ano­ther con­nec­tion, we are glad to announ­ce laun­ching the con­nec­tion bet­ween our HUB ter­mi­nal in Budapest-Csepel with the ter­mi­nal Indi­ja, which­c­lo­se­ly fol­lows the con­nec­tion of the port of Rije­ka with our HUB ter­mi­nal in Buda­pest so as the con­nec­tion of the port of Rije­ka with our ter­mi­nal Indi­ja (in Ser­bia). This con­nec­tion will make it pos­si­ble to con­nect the local mar­ket in Ser­bia with all desti­na­ti­ons, be it ports in the NWC or all inland ter­mi­nals that we ser­ve in our net­work, which will enable trans­por­ta­ti­on from/to Ser­bia not only for deep­sea car­go but also for Intra-European trans­por­ta­ti­on. Moreo­ver, through this con­nec­tion, it will be pos­si­ble to sup­p­ly the Ser­bi­an mar­ket with emp­ty con­tai­ners from Buda­pest for fur­ther ship­ments abroad. In case of this con­nec­tion, the TES is valid in the amount of EUR 10 / TEU.

We are loo­king for­ward to fur­ther expan­si­on of our coope­ra­ti­on with the­se con­nec­tions as well. 

In case of addi­tio­nal ques­ti­ons, our Pri­cing Depart­ment and Cus­to­mer Ser­vice Depart­ment are ful­ly at your dis­po­sal.

Pri­cing Depart­ment: 
                     pri­ce quo­ta­ti­ons                               

Cus­to­mer Ser­vice Depart­ment:  
                     gene­ral infor­ma­ti­on    Ivan Miš­kay    
                     dai­ly ope­ra­ti­ons         Tamás Var­ga  

We firm­ly belie­ve that the expan­si­on of our ser­vices will be a bene­fit for you and we are loo­king for­ward for fur­ther cooperation.

 METRANS /Danubia/, a.s.




Tel. +420 267 293 111

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