CMA CGM to enhan­ce its NWUK & SCUK services

We are thrilled to announce our customers significant enhancements to our NWUK and SCUK services connecting Spain via the port of Bilbao with Ireland, the UK and the Netherlands, effective from June 21st, 2024. These improvements not only aim to serve you better but also demonstrate our dedication to expanding and strengthening our short sea door-to-door product across Europe.

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To gua­ran­tee unpar­al­le­led sche­du­le relia­bi­li­ty, we are deploy­ing an addi­tio­nal ves­sel and ope­ra­ting 4 ser­vices with 5 ves­sels. This uni­que mar­ket offe­ring from Bil­bao to the UK and the North West con­ti­nent is desi­gned to meet your needs with pre­cis­i­on and efficiency.



Ser­vice enhance­ments include:

  • Relia­bi­li­ty Boos­ted: Now with five ves­sels in rota­ti­on, ensu­ring four relia­ble depar­tures weekly from Bilbao.
  • Pre­dic­ta­ble Sche­du­le: Count on our con­sis­tent, fixed-day departures.
  • Increased Liver­pool Trips: Three weekly sai­lings to Liver­pool for enhan­ced service.
  • Effi­ci­ent Trans­ship­ment: Quick con­nec­tions at Rot­ter­dam to Scan­di­na­via and the Baltics.
  • Dub­lin Spe­cia­liza­ti­on: Depar­tures opti­mi­zed for the fast tran­sit of perishables.
  • Exten­si­ve Rail Net­work: Net­work of block trains from key are­as in Spain to Bilbao.
  • Amp­le Con­tai­ner Access: High avai­la­bi­li­ty of both ambi­ent and ree­fer 45 HCPW containers.
  • Com­pre­hen­si­ve Logi­stics: Bene­fit from out cross-docking and warehousing services.
  • Fri­end­ly Ship­ping: More sus­tainable than road trans­port, redu­cing envi­ron­men­tal impact.


The new rota­ti­on beg­ins with m/v „ENCOUN­TER“ depar­ting from Bil­bao on 21/06


Quel­le & Kontakt:

CMA CGM Mar­seil­le Head Office

13235 Mar­seil­le

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