Samskip: Intro­du­cing the Bay­ern Express

A Multimodal transport solution right now! Increased reliability and flexibility with decreased CO2 Emissions.

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2023 was a year fil­led with many initia­ti­ves that effec­tively hel­ped us redu­ce our CO2 emis­si­ons rein­for­cing our com­mit­ment to the Sus­taina­bi­li­ty Sci­ence Based Tar­get initia­ti­ve and sup­port­ed our goal of rea­ching Net-Zero by 2040. At the same time, we have inves­ted in ways to help our cus­to­mers to navi­ga­te through the­se times whe­re we all need to begin taking respon­si­bi­li­ty for gree­ner prac­ti­ces and redu­ce car­bon emissions.

Tes­ta­ment to Samskip’s busi­ness model and exper­ti­se, con­ver­ting from road to rail con­ti­nues to be a powerful solu­ti­on for gree­ner logi­stics. Intro­du­cing a new ser­vice cal­led “The Bay­ern Express”. 

The Bay­ern Express is one of the initia­ti­ves of the Joint Cor­ri­dors Pro­gram, whe­re Samskip is also a part­ner. This is a rail con­nec­tion bet­ween Rot­ter­dam and Bay­ern, sou­the­ast of Ger­ma­ny. The ser­vice is the per­fect alter­na­ti­ve for importers or export­ers to tra­di­tio­nal road trans­port which accounts for much of today’s CO2 emis­si­ons. The Bay­ern Express offers weekly rail con­nec­tions bet­ween Bay­ern and Rot­ter­dam, whe­re it con­nects easi­ly to Samskip’s short­sea net­work. This modal-shift is ide­al for cus­to­mers loo­king for a clock-work ser­vice, effi­ci­ent trans­port and signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ced car­bon emissions. 

This ser­vice con­nects to Neu­ren­berg 4 times a week and departs from Regens­burg and Munich 2 times per week, howe­ver a dai­ly con­nec­tion to each desti­na­ti­on trans­la­ting to 5 depar­tures per week from Mon­day to Fri­day is ulti­m­ate­ly the goal for the future. So, with The Bay­ern Express, you can envi­si­on remo­ving appro­xi­m­ate­ly 28,000 trucks from the roads which equi­vo­ca­tes to more than a 55,000 ton reduc­tion of CO2 per year.

Samskip Regio­nal Sales Mana­ger – West Euro­pe, Thijs Gou­mans added: “The Bay­ern Express is yet ano­ther of Samskip’s newest initia­ti­ves towards more sus­tainable trans­port. This runs par­al­lel to our focus to boost our cus­to­mer cen­tri­ci­ty. We lis­ten to the needs and wis­hes of our part­ners ‚cus­to­mers and our mar­ket and we are com­mit­ted to impro­ving the relia­bi­li­ty and scope of our ser­vices. This is the per­fect mar­ria­ge of gree­ner trans­port and impro­ved sup­port!”

RSC (Rail Ser­vice Cen­ter Rot­ter­dam Ter­mi­nal) and RST (Rot­ter­dam Short­sea Ter­mi­nal) are key com­pon­ents for the loa­ding and unloa­ding of car­go and seam­less mul­ti­mo­dal trans­port. The team­work and effi­ci­en­cy of the­se part­ners ensu­re a con­tai­ner will reach our ves­sels in less than 8 hours and that the short­sea net­work and the rail net­works con­nect effort­less­ly. Would you like to learn more about the Bay­ern Express Ser­vice, and how it can sup­port your needs? Plea­se cont­act your account mana­ger or email us at

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