Samskip intro­du­ces new dedi­ca­ted Short-Sea service

The new dedicated Short-Sea service is between Rotterdam, Oslofjord and the UK

spc Newsletter

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We are exci­ted to announ­ce our new direct Short-sea ser­vice that will run from Rot­ter­dam, Oslo­fjord and the UK! One of the most important bene­fits of this new ser­vice is that this ser­vice will make 3 port calls in Oslo per week. In addi­ti­on to the­se 3 port calls and 2 port calls in Moss, we will offer our cus­to­mers more opti­ons and fle­xi­bi­li­ty from the dai­ly arri­vals and depar­tures in the Grea­ter Oslo area.

Our aim is to boost relia­ble ser­vice in the regi­on and pro­ve to our cus­to­mers that moving from road to sea trans­port has never been easier. This is also the first step for the deve­lo­p­ments lea­ding up to the arri­val of our net-zero SeaS­hut­tle ves­sels due to be laun­ched in 2025 and 2026.

This is an exci­ting new ser­vice with much added value for our cus­to­mers, and with the intro­duc­tion of direct sai­lings to-and-from the UK, this is the most com­pre­hen­si­ve Short-Sea pro­duct to-and-from Nor­way Oslo­fjord to date!

Want to learn more? Plea­se cont­act your local Samskip sales representative.

This new Nor­way Oslo­fjord short-sea ser­vice will offer our cus­to­mers more opti­ons and fle­xi­bi­li­ty from the dai­ly arri­vals and depar­tures in the Grea­ter Oslo area.

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