Rot­ter­dam Short­sea Ter­mi­nals (RST) and Samskip Join Forces To Launch First Shore Power Green Initiative

RST and Samskip are proud to announce the successful launch of their Green Shore Power initiative, which aims to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions produced by vessels docked by providing new clean shore powered energy solutions.

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The joint initia­ti­ve is an exam­p­le of what com­pa­nies can do if they have a com­mon goal and join forces in the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on towards CO2 neu­tra­li­ty. The shore power solu­ti­on is the first of its kind in the Net­her­lands ports.

The cele­bra­ti­on of this mile­stone event was on Fri­day, July 21st, whe­re dele­ga­ti­ons from Samskip, RST, Port of Rot­ter­dam (HBR), Muni­ci­pa­li­ty of Rot­ter­dam and HES gathe­red. During the cele­bra­ti­on, “Samskip Inno­va­tor” pro­vi­ded an onsite demons­tra­ti­on of the smooth tran­si­ti­on bet­ween  ship power and  the new shore power.

The new shore power endea­vor was lar­ge­ly pos­si­ble through the exper­ti­se of Har­bour Elec­tro­ni­cal Ser­vices (HES) which both pre­pared and out­fit­ted Samskip’s short­sea ves­sel “Inno­va­tor” to recei­ve shore power. The power sup­p­ly unit at the quay of RST has been instal­led by Jolectra.

Onshore power sup­p­ly sys­tems are a cri­ti­cal step towards the decar­bo­niza­ti­on of the ship­ping sec­tor. Given that docked ves­sels curr­ent­ly lea­ve their engi­nes run­ning to gene­ra­te onboard elec­tri­ci­ty while bur­ning gasoil con­stant­ly, the impact of green onshore power beco­mes abun­dant­ly clear. For the enti­re ship­ping sec­tor, shore-side elec­tri­ci­ty is expec­ted to redu­ce CO2 emis­si­ons by 5 mega­tons[1] of CO2 per year (3.7% of glo­bal ship­ping emissions).

With this inno­va­ti­on, Samskip also takes a lea­ding posi­ti­on in pre­pa­ring for the Fue­lEU Mari­ti­me regu­la­ti­on, which will requi­re shore-power con­nec­ti­vi­ty from 2030 on.

[1] The CO2 reduc­tion poten­ti­al of shore-side elec­tri­ci­ty in Euro­pe – ScienceDirect

Head of Fleet Manage­ment – Ves­sel, Erik Hof­mees­ter, said: “The­re are many ways to redu­ce CO2, such as: Samskip ves­sels using bio-fuel, the CO2 cap­tu­ring sys­tems also instal­led on Samskip ves­sels, WASP (Wind Assis­ted Ships Pro­pul­si­on) and last but not least shore power. Green shore power faci­li­ta­tes clean and silent ship-operations in the ports of Rot­ter­dam. We have set ambi­tious decar­bo­niza­ti­on tar­gets for the upco­ming years, with a clear aim to achie­ve net-zero emis­si­ons by 2040. Remar­kab­ly, this goal puts us a deca­de ahead of the legal­ly man­da­ted requi­re­ment for the mari­ti­me indus­try, which is curr­ent­ly set at 2050.We will also con­ti­nue to use all our resour­ces to pro­tect the future of our com­pa­ny, our cus­to­mers and part­ners and our planet”.

CEO of RST – Arno Storm: “RST is com­mit­ted to be a front­run­ner in the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on and is taking a lea­ding role in the port of Rot­ter­dam to work on prac­ti­cal solu­ti­ons to ser­ve the pla­net and RST’s cus­to­mers. I am tru­ly proud to be able to say that we are the first sea-terminal in the Net­her­lands which has a shore power con­nec­tion. For me, key­ing in on the path towards CO2 neu­tra­li­ty means part­ne­ring with cus­to­mers and sup­pli­ers and I am thril­led that tog­e­ther with Samskip, HES and Jolec­tra, we have been able to make a first step. Fur­ther­mo­re I would like to extend my gra­ti­tu­de towards the Port of Rot­ter­dam aut­ho­ri­ties who have play­ed an acti­ve role in the sup­port and estab­lish­ment of this pilot”.

[1] The CO2 reduc­tion poten­ti­al of shore-side elec­tri­ci­ty in Euro­pe – ScienceDirect

© Samskip

Quel­le & Kontakt:

Coz Wort­hing­ton, Mar­ke­ting Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Mana­ger
Pho­ne: +31 88 400 1180

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