WEC Lines Laun­ches Unpre­ce­den­ted Short Sea Ser­vice Con­nec­ting Nor­thwes­tern Euro­pe via France with Morocco

WEC Lines is proud to introduce a transformative weekly service connecting the United Kingdom, France and Northwestern Europe with Casablanca, Morocco in a seamless operation.

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As from today, WEC Lines has laun­ched the new ‘Euro-Maroc ser­vice’, ther­eby repla­cing the exis­ting NWC Ibe­ria and MOPT ser­vices. With this new offe­ring, WEC Lines estab­lishes a direct sai­ling rou­te from Rot­ter­dam and Ant­werp to Casa­blan­ca, while also faci­li­ta­ting seam­less trans­por­ta­ti­on from Por­tu­gal and Spain via Mon­toir, France as from Sep­tem­ber 19, 2023. By depar­ting from Mon­toir on Tues­day and arri­ving in Tha­me­sport on Thurs­day, this ser­vice offers an eco-friendly alter­na­ti­ve to truck trans­port from West France into Eng­land. Mon­toir will be cal­led twice a week North­bound and Southbound.

The ports of call for this new ser­vice include Tha­me­sport, Rot­ter­dam, Ant­werp, Mon­toir, Bil­bao, Vigo, Leixões, Setu­bal, Casa­blan­ca, and Figuei­ra da Foz, forming a well-connected bridge bet­ween the­se vital trade hubs. The new weekly ser­vice will be per­for­med by 3x 800-TEU ves­sels in a 21-day fixed day rota­ti­on, with opti­mal short sea and hin­ter­land lin­k­ages, pro­vi­de cus­to­mers with a heigh­ten­ed level of fle­xi­bi­li­ty and efficiency.

“We pri­de our­sel­ves to be true spe­cia­lists in our geo­gra­phi­cal are­as com­bi­ned with a per­so­nal approach. We under­stand the cus­to­mers’ needs and value direct cont­act, and ease to do busi­ness with”, sta­ted Cae­sar Lui­ken­aar, Mana­ging Direc­tor of WEC Lines. „The launch of the Euro – Maroc ser­vice under­lines this dedi­ca­ti­on and com­mit­ment to mee­ting cus­to­mer demand.“

For inqui­ries, boo­kings, and more infor­ma­ti­on about the new ser­vices by WEC Lines, plea­se visit www.weclines.com or cont­act your local representative.

© W.E.C. Lines

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WEC Lines Short Sea | W.E.C. Lines B.V.


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