The Euro­pean Uni­on intro­du­ced new data demands for ship­ments into the EU

Import Control System 2 (ICS2) entering Europe 1 June 2024

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ICS2 is set to come into effect for all freight ship­ments in June 2024. Like the ori­gi­nal ICS (Import Con­trol Sys­tem, other­wi­se also known as ENS), ICS2 is a new car­go safe­ty & secu­ri­ty sys­tem made to pro­cess car­go infor­ma­ti­on, sup­port risk assess­ment and bols­ter secu­ri­ty and safe­ty at EU borders.

What’s new with ICS2?
ICS2 will requi­re all mari­ti­me, rail and road car­ri­ers to sub­mit more infor­ma­ti­on about the ship­ments pri­or to arri­val at the EU bor­der. After asses­sing the infor­ma­ti­on, the aut­ho­ri­ties will eit­her clear the car­go for trans­port, request fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on or deny it ent­ry into the EU. If the ship­ment infor­ma­ti­on is not sub­mit­ted in time, is incom­ple­te or inac­cu­ra­te, the car­go will be stop­ped at the bor­der and not cle­ared by the cus­toms authority.

What does ICS2 mean for DFDS cus­to­mers?
In short, ICS2 means that eit­her the cus­to­mer, or DFDS on behalf of the cus­to­mer, will have to pro­vi­de more infor­ma­ti­on about your EU ship­ments in advan­ce. This likely means that more time and resour­ces will need to be devo­ted to ensu­ring the decla­ra­ti­ons are accu­ra­te and sub­mit­ted in time.

How can DFDS help with ICS2?
DFDS will set up its IT sys­tems and pro­ces­ses to help ensu­re your sup­p­ly chain can con­ti­nue ope­ra­ting effi­ci­ent­ly under ICS2 requi­re­ments. Depen­ding on the trans­port method and pre­fe­rence, as a cus­to­mer you will be able to choo­se bet­ween: • Allo­wing DFDS to sub­mit all ship­ment data to ICS2. • Allo­wing DFDS to sub­mit a por­ti­on of your data while you pro­vi­de in-house data to ICS2 on your own.

More details to come towards Janu­ary 2024.

Visit the Euro­pean Commission’s web­site for fur­ther information.



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