The Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on appoints a new Direc­tor for its Directorate-General for Trans­port and Mobility

Today, the European Commission has appointed Michela Matuella as Director ‘Waterborne' at the Directorate-General for Transport and Mobility (DG MOVE). This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on mobility and transport. The date of effect will be determined later.

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Ms Matu­el­la has taken up various manage­ment posi­ti­ons in the Com­mis­si­on in the past two deca­des. With a back­ground encom­pas­sing, exter­nal rela­ti­ons, enlar­ge­ment nego­tia­ti­ons, and deve­lo­p­ment coope­ra­ti­on, she brings with her a wealth of cross-cutting poli­cy expe­ri­ence. Nota­b­ly, she has play­ed a cru­cial role in the enlar­ge­ment poli­cy and in the rela­ti­ons bet­ween the EU and the Wes­tern Bal­kans with the suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of a series of com­plex inter­in­sti­tu­tio­nal nego­tia­ti­ons. In her new role, she will con­ti­nue to capi­ta­li­ze on her stra­te­gic insight and well-honed repre­sen­ta­ti­on skills.

Miche­la Matu­el­la, an Ita­li­an natio­nal, ser­ved in the EU Dele­ga­ti­ons in Eri­trea and Leso­tho and also work­ed in the Cabi­net of the for­mer Com­mis­sio­ner for Enlar­ge­ment and Neigh­bour­hood Poli­cy, Šte­fan Füle. She is curr­ent­ly hol­ding the posi­ti­on of Head of Unit for Alba­nia and North Mace­do­nia and Acting Direc­tor for Wes­tern Bal­kans in the Directorate-General for Euro­pean Neigh­bour­hood and Enlar­ge­ment Nego­tia­ti­ons. Befo­re the start of her care­er at the Com­mis­si­on in 2003, Ms Matu­el­la work­ed in the NGO sec­tor as aca­de­mic lec­tu­rer and rese­ar­cher in the field of development.

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