Ste­na Line to increase car­go capa­ci­ty by 30% on Ste­na Forerun­ner and Ste­na Foreteller

On behalf of Stena Line, Stena RoRo has signed a conversion contract with China Merchants Jinling (Weihai) Shipyard for the installation of an additional cargo deck, increased thruster capacity and preparations for shore power onboard Stena Foreteller and Stena Forerunner. The cargo capacity will increase by 30% and the vessels will after conversion be ready to meet future efficiency requirements. The conversion for both vessels will be finalised during 2025.

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“At Ste­na RoRo we see the invest­ment of the instal­la­ti­ons on the Ste­na Forerun­ner and Ste­na Foretel­ler as a way to impro­ve ser­vices for our fleet cus­to­mers. We stri­ve to increase car­go capa­ci­ty while also kee­ping sus­taina­bi­li­ty in focus. It’s all part of Stena’s iden­ti­ty. Sig­ning the con­tract with Chi­na Mer­chants Jin­ling Shi­py­ard is a step in the right direc­tion” says Per West­ling, Mana­ging Direc­tor at Ste­na RoRo.


In 2023, both ves­sels were decar­bo­nis­ed by chan­ging pro­pel­lers, app­ly­ing sili­co­ne paint and adding inter­cep­tors, and the addi­tio­nal car­go deck will fur­ther decrease the car­bon inten­si­ty index fac­tor and fur­ther redu­ce CO2 emis­si­ons per car­go unit.

After the con­ver­si­on the ves­sels will be deploy­ed in the Ste­na Line rou­te network.

Sus­tainable ambitions

”The con­ver­si­on of the Ste­na Forerun­ner and Ste­na Foretel­ler fits with our ambi­ti­on to redu­ce our CO2 emis­si­ons. In addi­ti­on to incre­asing the car­go capa­ci­ty by 30% on both the Ste­na Forerun­ner and Ste­na Foretel­ler, we also take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to invest in onboard shore power. At Ste­na Line we feel the need to ensu­re both a sus­tainable busi­ness and a more sus­tainable envi­ron­ment” says Nic­las Mår­ten­sson, CEO at Ste­na Line.

Ano­ther recent col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Chi­na Mer­chants Jin­ling Shi­py­ard has been the order of the two New­Max hybrid ves­sels for Ste­na Line for the Irish Sea rou­tes. The­se ves­sels will be deli­ver­ed in 2025.

©  Ste­na Line

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Ste­na Line
Press office
+46 (0) 31 – 85 85 83

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