Ste­na Line offi­ci­al­ly com­men­ces Dublin-Liverpool freight route

The first sailing on the new service left Dublin Port’s Terminal 5 was at 15th february morning at 6:30am. The return service will operate daily from Dublin in the morning, making the evening return journey from 12 Quays terminal in Birkenhead.

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The first sai­ling on the new ser­vice left Dub­lin Port’s Ter­mi­nal 5 this mor­ning at 6:30am. The return ser­vice will ope­ra­te dai­ly from Dub­lin in the mor­ning, making the evening return jour­ney from 12 Quays ter­mi­nal in Birkenhead.

The addi­ti­on of the new ser­vice will be Ste­na Line’s seventh rou­te in the Irish Sea regi­on com­ple­men­ting its Bel­fast – Cairn­ryan, Bel­fast – Heysham, Bel­fast – Liver­pool, Dub­lin – Holy­head, Ross­la­re – Fish­guard and Ross­la­re – Cher­bourg services.

With Ste­na Hori­zon tem­po­r­a­ri­ly ope­ra­ting on the new Dublin- Liver­pool rou­te, the com­pa­ny is curr­ent­ly asses­sing ship deploy­ment opti­ons for a per­ma­nent freight-only ves­sel. The new ser­vice will pro­vi­de freight cus­to­mers on both sides of the Irish Sea with even more choice when it comes to secu­ring an effi­ci­ent and relia­ble con­nec­tion bet­ween Ire­land and Britain. 

Nic­las Mår­ten­sson, CEO, Ste­na Line said:

“We are exci­ted to launch our much-anticipated new freight rou­te bet­ween Dub­lin and Liver­pool, secu­ring a key tra­ding rou­te across the Irish Sea. With two ser­vices now ope­ra­ting from both Dub­lin Port and 12 Quays in Bir­ken­head, we’re expan­ding our ope­ra­tio­nal hubs in both ports crea­ting more effi­ci­en­ci­es for our cus­to­mers. Curr­ent­ly, we have deploy­ed the Ste­na Hori­zon tem­po­r­a­ri­ly, but we hope to be able to con­firm a per­ma­nent solu­ti­on soon that will help to maxi­mi­se freight capa­ci­ty and boost trade volumes.”

Bar­ry O’Connell, CEO, Dub­lin Port Com­pa­ny, said:

“We are plea­sed to wel­co­me Ste­na Line’s new Dublin-Liverpool rou­te, which will pro­vi­de freight cus­to­mers with a choice of rou­tes across the Irish Sea. It is essen­ti­al to the Irish eco­no­my that we have strong, relia­ble con­nec­tions to Gre­at Bri­tain and this dedi­ca­ted freight ser­vice helps to secu­re a key tra­ding corridor.”

In 2023, Ste­na Line signed an agree­ment with Peel Ports to ope­ra­te at the 12 Quays Ter­mi­nal until the year 2100, demons­t­ra­ting the company’s long-term com­mit­ment to the region. 

Phil Hall, Port Direc­tor Liver­pool, Peel Ports Group said:

“We are deligh­ted to be sup­port­ing this new freight rou­te as part of our long-standing part­ner­ship pro­gram­me with Ste­na Line, which fur­ther enhan­ces trade oppor­tu­ni­ties, effi­ci­en­cy and capa­bi­li­ty for our cus­to­mers.“   

Ste­na Line is one of Europe’s lea­ding fer­ry com­pa­nies trans­port­ing 6.5 mil­li­on pas­sen­gers with 38 ves­sels across 18 rou­tes in Nor­t­hern Euro­pe ope­ra­ting 26,000 sai­lings each year.

Lea­ding Swe­dish fer­ry ope­ra­tor, Ste­na Line has offi­ci­al­ly com­men­ced its new Dub­lin – Liver­pool (Bir­ken­head) freight ser­vice today. The addi­ti­on of the new rou­te is expec­ted to fur­ther boost the company’s freight volu­mes fol­lo­wing a record year on its Irish Sea ser­vices in 2023.

© Ste­na Line

Quel­le & Kontakt

Nico­la Abernethy

PR & Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons Mana­ger Irish Sea

+44 (0) 2890 883060

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