Full rebran­ding WEC Lines to reflect a open atti­tu­de and fresh outlook

Since April 2 th, W.E.C. (“West European Container”) Lines B.V. is officially changing its name to WEC Lines B.V., trade name WEC Lines, and drop the dots and vessel logomark.

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We have deci­ded to rebrand to por­tray a more modern, open image. WEC Lines has gone through a visu­al evo­lu­ti­on refi­ning our logo and our over­all aes­the­tic. The new simp­ler logo repres­ents our com­mit­ment to user-friendly design and a stron­ger brand identity.

After five deca­des of being the spe­cia­lists in East and North Afri­ca and South and West Euro­pe, we have under­go­ne the­se rebran­ding efforts to adapt to chan­ging cli­ent needs, pre­fe­ren­ces, and life­styl­es. The aim of this revamp is to empha­si­ze an open, approacha­ble atti­tu­de, respect for our heri­ta­ge, and a fresh outlook.

Alt­hough WEC Lines remains at its core a ship­ping line, we are incre­asing­ly expan­ding our inter­mo­dal con­nec­tions direct­ly lin­ked to the ves­sel net­work. As such, it makes sen­se to drop the ves­sel logo­mark from our logo that has been in use for many years.

While still main­tai­ning ele­ments of blue, we will also intro­du­ce secon­da­ry colours and streng­then fleet and equip­ment bran­ding as a subt­le and effec­ti­ve way to sup­port a stron­ger brand identity.

“We are curr­ent­ly shif­ting from being a pure fee­der car­ri­er to a door-to-door intra-European car­ri­er with East Afri­can deep sea acti­vi­ties”, sta­ted Cae­sar Lui­ken­aar, Mana­ging Direc­tor of WEC Lines. „This rebran­ding exer­cise under­lines our dedi­ca­ti­on and com­mit­ment to mee­ting cli­ent demand and pre­pa­ring for the future.“


© WEC Lines

Quel­le & Kontakt

Eva Rademaker-de Leeuw

Mar­ke­ting & Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons WEC Lines

E‑Mail: press@weclines.com


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