Euro­pean Mari­ti­me Day

30. bis 31.05.2024 - DK - Svendborg

The call for the EMD exhi­bi­ti­on is now open!

Estab­lished in 2008, Euro­pean Mari­ti­me Day (EMD) is the annu­al EU mee­ting point on mari­ti­me affairs and sus­tainable blue growth, and the place whe­re ‘Oce­an Lea­ders Meet’ as the slo­gan goes. It is also a public event rea­ching out to young peo­p­le and citi­zens across Euro­pe through local events under the ‘EMD in my Coun­try’ label.

EMD has not only enab­led many pro­ject part­ner­ships and co-operations among stake­hol­ders, it has also con­tri­bu­ted to get­ting the need of sus­tainable manage­ment of oce­an resour­ces hig­her on the EU’s agenda.

Stake­hol­ders gene­ral­ly find the Euro­pean Mari­ti­me Day a gre­at oppor­tu­ni­ty to touch base with stra­te­gic part­ners, to make new cont­acts and net­work, get visi­bi­li­ty for their pro­jects, ide­as, acti­vi­ties and achie­ve­ments, gain new insights into the evol­ving EU poli­cy and fun­ding land­scape and pro­vi­de input into Euro­pean Mari­ti­me Poli­cy formulation. 

Euro­pean Mari­ti­me Day takes place every year at the end of May. The con­fe­rence takes place in a dif­fe­rent EU coun­try each year, see cur­rent list until 2029 below. The cities are sel­ec­ted fol­lo­wing a call for inte­rest laun­ched in the Coun­cil of Minis­ters every five years. The latest call took place in 2022.

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