Dutch Govern­ment Invests in Samskip Mul­ti­mo­dal Exper­ti­se For Modal Shift Program

Along with a great number of projects that Samskip is currently working on regarding greener logistics, Samskip has been granted subsidy funding from the Dutch government which is working towards the “Modal Shift Program”. This program will support the initiative of switching cargo transport from road to inland water shipping and road to rail transport.

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The sub­s­idy will sup­port our bar­ge con­nec­tions to Nij­me­gen and Roer­mond. This initia­ti­ve stron­gly sup­ports Samskip’s stra­tegy to offer gree­ner trans­port solu­ti­ons to all our cus­to­mers as we con­ti­nue to redu­ce our over­all car­bon foot­print across our vast network.

Samskip is com­mit­ted to this pro­gram along with curr­ent­ly acti­ve initia­ti­ves, howe­ver we con­ti­nue to search for more oppor­tu­ni­ties to shift car­go from road to water trans­port. The results are clear that such efforts are tru­ly bene­fi­ci­al to our orga­niza­ti­on, to our cus­to­mers and part­ners, and for our planet.

Bes­i­des the CO2 reduc­tion, bar­ge solu­ti­ons can also assist in pro­vi­ding more fle­xi­bi­li­ty in the first and last mile (collection/delivery) pro­ces­ses. This is due to the shorter distances bet­ween the bar­ge ter­mi­nals to the collection/delivery points.

To learn more about how Samskip can offer your busi­ness more relia­bi­li­ty, fle­xi­bi­li­ty and sus­tainable solu­ti­ons, plea­se cont­act a Samskip sales repre­sen­ta­ti­ve today!

ModalS­hift (modalshiftprogramma.nl)

© Samskip

Quel­le & Kontakt:

Samskip Head Office

pho­ne +31 88 400 1000

mail rotterdam@samskip.com

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