DFDS to lea­ve Space Char­ter Agree­ment on Dover-Calais

DFDS will leave the space charter agreement with P&O Ferries covering the Channel’s Dover-Calais route.

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With P&O Fer­ries’ recent agree­ment to enter into an addi­tio­nal and sepa­ra­te space char­ter agree­ment with the third fer­ry ope­ra­tor on Dover-Calais, Irish Fer­ries, the terms of a con­ti­nuing space char­ter arran­ge­ment would change.

Fer­ry mar­ket lea­der on the Dover Strait DFDS has asses­sed that DFDS is in a bet­ter com­mer­cial posi­ti­on by ope­ra­ting out­side a space char­ter agree­ment at this point in time:

“While we con­ti­nue to wel­co­me col­la­bo­ra­ti­on oppor­tu­ni­ties to fur­ther impro­ve the effi­ci­en­cy of our fer­ry ope­ra­ti­ons on the Dover Strait, we belie­ve that we best ser­vice our cus­to­mers and the mar­ket by lever­aging our uni­que value pro­po­si­ti­on of ope­ra­ting two rou­tes out of Dover – to Calais and to Dun­ker­que – out­side a space char­ter struc­tu­re”, says Filip Wer­ne Her­mann, VP and Head of BU Chan­nel and Bal­tics and continues:

“DFDS will con­ti­nue to deli­ver relia­ble and effi­ci­ent fer­ry ser­vices and focus on pro­vi­ding pre­mi­um fer­ry ser­vice offe­rings on the Dover Strait for both our freight and pas­sen­ger cus­to­mers by lever­aging our com­pa­ny values and our fleet of six ves­sels. Fur­ther­mo­re, we are con­ti­nuing our efforts to decar­bo­ni­se our cross-Channel fleet which will fur­ther streng­then our offe­rings in the future”.

The space char­ter agree­ment was ente­red into in May 2021 and will end when the con­trac­tu­al noti­ce peri­od is com­ple­te at the end of August 2024.

Read the cor­re­spon­ding inves­tor announce­ment HERE.

Bild­quel­le: DFDS

Quel­le & Kontakt:

Group Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons

Glo­bal Media Relations

+45 31 16 28 47


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