Con­tar­go focu­ses on sus­taina­bi­li­ty at the Trans­port & Logi­stics in Antwerp

Contargo, the hinterland container logistics network, is presenting itself at the Transport & Logistics Expo in Antwerp in line with the hashtag #welovecontainers. From 17 to 19 October, everything at the Contargo stand will revolve around container transports by barge, truck and rail, and handling at the 24 terminals in Contargo’s own network. The focus this year is on the low-emission supply chain “econtargo”, which has become available for customers to book in recent months.

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Con­tar­go is one of the big­gest con­tai­ner logi­stics enter­pri­ses in Euro­pe. Over the past months the enter­pri­se has con­tin­ued to expand its net­work in the Bene­lux count­ries with the take­over of HE-Logistics, Trans­port Clyn­hens, Hon­koop Bar­ging and Ber­ry Logistics.

With the­se acqui­si­ti­ons, Con­tar­go is also streng­thening com­bi­ned trans­port, with the aim of making a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on to cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion in the trans­port sec­tor. Today, the enter­pri­se alre­a­dy trans­ports 69 per­cent of goods by bar­ge, 23 per­cent by rail and eight per­cent by truck. In 2020 Contargo’s trans­ports using all three trans­port modes gene­ra­ted 189,000 ton­nes of CO2., whe­re­as the­se same trans­ports car­ri­ed out by truck alo­ne would have emit­ted 350,000 ton­nes of CO2. Thus it was pos­si­ble to save 46 per­cent of CO2 within one year, just by using com­bi­ned transport.

E‑trucks save CO2

Howe­ver, that is not enough for Con­tar­go: for some months now, the ser­vice pro­vi­der has been offe­ring a trans­port chain with even lower emis­si­ons, mar­ke­ted under the name of “econ­tar­go”. Cus­to­mers who book this ser­vice are not purcha­sing mere com­pen­sa­ti­on – they are secu­ring com­bi­ned trans­port that uses e‑trucks for the last mile, and trains dri­ven by green elec­tri­ci­ty for the main run. With this low-emissions opti­on Con­tar­go offers its cus­to­mers an oppor­tu­ni­ty to redu­ce their own CO2e foot­print.

Modern bar­ges

In future, bar­ges are also to be to be inte­gra­ted into “econ­tar­go”. From 2024, Con­tar­go will be com­ple­ting the electrically-powered sup­p­ly chain with low-emission bar­ges dri­ven by a com­bi­na­ti­on of hydro­gen fuel cells, modern Stage VI engi­nes and elec­tric batteries.

Con­tar­go will be pre­sen­ting the­se and other topics in Hall 4, Stand 4.122 at the Trans­port & Logi­stics in Antwerp.

With an annu­al trans­port volu­me of 2.1 mil­li­on TEU, Con­tar­go is one of the lar­gest con­tai­ner logi­stics net­works in Euro­pe. Con­tar­go inte­gra­tes con­tai­ner trans­port bet­ween the wes­tern sea­ports, the Ger­man North Sea ports and the Euro­pean hin­ter­land. Con­tar­go has 24 con­tai­ner ter­mi­nals at its dis­po­sal in Ger­ma­ny, France and Switz­er­land and addi­tio­nal loca­ti­ons in Ger­ma­ny, the Net­her­lands, Bel­gi­um and Pol­and. The enter­pri­se also ope­ra­tes its own bar­ge and rail lines. In 2022 the work­force of more than 1,200 employees achie­ved a tur­no­ver of 711 mil­li­on Euro.

© Con­tar­go

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