CMA CGM to adapt the set­up of its NC LEVANT EXPRESS ser­vice con­nec­ting North Euro­pe with East Med/Levant area

Following the recent heavy congestion in Mersin port, Turkey, that is beyond our control and not expected to improve in the near future, please note that we will stop calling Mersin port with our NC LEVANT EXPRESS service until further notice.

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Abo­ve decis­i­on is taken to keep and main­tain the sche­du­le relia­bi­li­ty and ser­vice inte­gri­ty of NC LEVANT EXPRESS which is hea­vi­ly impac­ted by the avera­ge 2 weeks con­ges­ti­on in Mersin.


We will res­to­re Port of Isken­de­run call on NC LEVANT EXPRESS ser­vice and return to Mer­sin once situa­ti­on improves.


In order to ser­ve North Euro­pe <-> Mer­sin mar­ket, we will deploy EMED EXPRESS 1, a Shut­tle ser­vice „Egypt-Mersin“ that will con­nect North Euro­pe to Mer­sin and Mer­sin to North Euro­pe car­go via tran­ship­ment in Port Said West.


New rou­ting for in/out Mer­sin from/to North Euro­pe will be as fol­lows:

- North Euro­pe <->Port Said West leg with NC LEVANT EXPRESS service

- Port Said West <-> Mer­sin leg with EMED EXPRESS 1


Last NC LEVANT EXPRESS ser­vice ves­sel cal­ling Mer­sin direct is m/v „CMA CGM ALCA­ZAR“ voy. 0NVE4S1MA curr­ent­ly awai­ting along­side port of Mer­sin with ETB on June 30th, 2023.


First NC LEVANT EXPRESS ser­vice ves­sel cal­ling Isken­de­run direct will be m/v „CMA CGM ISKEN­DE­RUN“ voy. 0NVE6S1MA ETA Port of Isken­de­run on June 27th, 2023.


Abo­ve con­tin­gen­cy plans are made with the aim of impro­ving sche­du­le relia­bi­li­ty of NC LEVANT EXPRESS service.


Quel­le & Kontakt:

CMA CGM Mar­seil­le Head Office

13235 Mar­seil­le

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