CMA CGM intro­du­ces the new set­up of its NC Levant ser­vice con­nec­ting North Euro­pe with East Med/Levant area

CMA CGM is pleased to announce the NC LEVANT new service setup aimed at providing our customers with improved reliability and better service.

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New fea­tures of NC LEVANT are the following:

  • Addi­ti­on of a North­bound call in Saler­no, Ita­ly, pro­vi­ding new mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties by estab­li­shing a direct mari­ti­me link from Ita­ly to Nor­t­hern Europe
  • Addi­ti­on of a 6th ves­sel to the fleet (now 6 ves­sels of 4,420 TEU) allo­wing to opti­mi­ze ser­vice fre­quen­cy and sche­du­le reliability
  • Weekly fre­quen­cy and 42-day rotation
  • Exten­si­ve owned fee­de­ring net­work con­nec­tions available in both North Euro­pe and the Mediterranean


The new rota­ti­on is as fol­lows:

Felix­sto­we – Ham­burg – Rot­ter­dam – Ant­werp – Le Hav­re – Mal­ta – Alex­an­dria – Port Said West – Bei­rut – Isken­de­run – Mer­sin – Saler­no – Tan­ger Med – Felixstowe


First ves­sel will be m/v „CMA CGM ALCA­ZAR“, in Saler­no on July 10th, 2023

NC LEVANT June 2023


Quel­le & Kontakt:

CMA CGM Mar­seil­le Head Office, 4, quai d’Arenc

13235 Mar­seil­le cedex 02 France

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