Ste­na Line and Port of Gothen­burg take next step towards Arendal

Stena Line and Port of Gothenburg have today signed an agreement for the relocation of Stena Line’s Denmark- and Germany ferry operations to an all-new terminal in Arendal, Gothenburg. The new location will meet the needs of sustainable transport solutions for both Stena Line and Port of Gothenburg.

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The agree­ment bet­ween Ste­na Line and Port of Gothen­burg includes the con­s­truc­tion of the new ter­mi­nal as well as rent and lea­sing of the ter­mi­nal area and a new ter­mi­nal buil­ding. The con­tract stret­ches over 25 years.

Given new pre­re­qui­si­tes for future deve­lo­p­ment of the City of Gothen­burg, Ste­na Line sees a posi­ti­ve poten­ti­al in the new loca­ti­on for its terminals.

“Ste­na Line has an ambi­tious agen­da to streng­then our posi­ti­on as a lea­der in sus­tainable ship­ping and this deal will give us the tools to grow long term in Gothen­burg”, says Nic­las Mår­ten­sson, CEO Ste­na Line. ”We expect a con­tin­ued increase of demand from our pas­sen­gers and freight cus­to­mers and in Are­nd­al we will be able to expand while also sup­port­ing Gothen­burg to deve­lop sustainably”.

Ste­na Line’s fer­ries have been based in cen­tral Gothen­burg sin­ce the 1960’s and the com­pa­ny curr­ent­ly runs dai­ly trips to Fre­de­riks­havn, Den­mark, and Kiel, Ger­ma­ny from its two ter­mi­nals in Gothenburg.

As part of Ste­na Line’s goal of redu­cing its envi­ron­men­tal impact, the com­pa­ny will gra­du­al­ly shift to new sus­tainable fuels in its fleet of ves­sels, and this will requi­re both infra­struc­tu­re and well working sup­p­ly chains to sup­port the transition.

”The new ter­mi­nal in Are­nd­al will future pro­of Ste­na Line’s needs for the fer­ry traf­fic to Den­mark and Ger­ma­ny”, says Carl-Johan Hell­ner, Chief Ope­ra­ting Offi­cer with respon­si­bi­li­ty for stra­tegy, ports and ter­mi­nals at Ste­na Line. ”We are loo­king for­ward to a con­tin­ued co-operation with Port of Gothen­burg and the City of Gothen­burg to secu­re the infra­struc­tu­re solu­ti­ons nee­ded to meet our cus­to­mers’ demands for effi­ci­ent logi­stics but also the sup­p­ly of new sus­tainable fuels.”

Con­side­ring high demands for a high-quality port and ter­mi­nal the par­ties in the agree­ment have defi­ned a time plan with the ambi­ti­on to take the new ter­mi­nal into use during 2028.

“With the agree­ment in place we are a big step clo­ser to a relo­ca­ti­on of Ste­na Line’s ope­ra­ti­ons. To con­so­li­da­te the ter­mi­nal ope­ra­ti­ons to the heart of the freight hub in the outer har­bour is a logi­cal step that gives us syn­er­gies and streng­the­ned oppor­tu­ni­ties to con­ti­nue deve­lo­ping the who­le port in line with our sus­taina­bi­li­ty ambi­ti­ons”, says Elvir Dza­nic, CEO Port of Gothenburg.

Ste­na Line Scan­di­na­via AB’s Board of Direc­tors have not yet made the for­mal decis­i­on regar­ding the abo­ve agreement.

Port of Gothenburg

© Ste­na Line


Ste­na Line Group Press Office
Tel. +46 (0)31 85 85 32, 

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