Future Pro­of Ship­ping laun­ches first hydrogen-powered inland con­tai­ner ship

On 25 May, Dutch shipping company Future Proof Shipping (FPS) officially launched the first hydrogen-powered zero-emissions inland container ship, H2 Barge 1, in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Earlier in the week, Nike introduced the H2 Barge 1 at its European Logistics Campus in Laakdal, Belgium. As part of its journey toward a zero carbon and zero waste future, Nike is partnering with Future Proof Shipping (FPS) and BCTN Network of Inland Terminals, to accelerate zero-emission shipping.

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Future Pro­of Shipping’s zero-emissions 110m x 11.45m inland con­tai­ner­ship, H2 Bar­ge 1 is char­te­red by BCTN on behalf of Nike EMEA. The ves­sel, expec­ted to redu­ce green­house gas emis­si­ons by 2000 ton­nes of CO2e per year, will sail bet­ween Rot­ter­dam and BCTN’s inland ter­mi­nal in Meer­hout seve­ral times a week.

A Coll­ec­ti­ve Achievement 

The offi­ci­al launch of H2 Bar­ge 1 took place in Rot­ter­dam on 25 May. 

Minis­ter of Infra­struc­tu­re & Water Manage­ment in the Net­her­lands, Mark Har­bers, was in atten­dance to pre­sent FPS Foun­der, Huib van de Grijs­paar­de, with a spe­cial A‑Zero (A0) emis­si­on label award­ed only to zero-emission vessels.

During the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the label, Minis­ter Mark Har­bers said:

“It’s my plea­su­re to pre­sent the very first A‑Zero emis­si­on label to H2 Barge1, as it is the first ves­sel to tru­ly qua­li­fy as zero emis­si­on. An achie­ve­ment worth applau­ding. I hope this achie­ve­ment by Future Pro­of Ship­ping will per­sua­de other shipow­ners to make the tran­si­ti­on to emis­si­on free trans­port too, and that many more A‑Zero emis­si­on labels will be han­ded out in the future.” 

Also pre­sent to cele­bra­te this coll­ec­ti­ve achie­ve­ment, were the FPS team and various part­ner repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from Air Liqui­de, BCTN Net­work of Inland Ter­mi­nals, Hol­land Shi­py­ards Group, Koe­dood Mari­ne Group, Kooiman Mari­ne Group, Ned­stack Fuel Cell Tech­no­lo­gy, Rabo­bank, and Nike. 

“We have been working for a cou­ple of years now to ensu­re we tread more light­ly on the pla­net. This ship­ping pro­ject pro­ves that moving car­go with zero-emissions and zero impact is pos­si­ble, and we hope it acce­le­ra­tes the indus­try to fol­low in Nike’s foot­s­teps and move to zero. I would like to thank our dedi­ca­ted FPS team, our foun­der Huib van de Grijs­paar­de for his unwa­ve­ring belief in us and the pro­ject and all our trus­ted part­ners for enab­ling us to see it through. This is a pivo­tal moment, not just for Future Pro­of Ship­ping but for the future of ship­ping.” Richard Klat­ten, CEO – Future Pro­of Shipping. 

“Nike’s ulti­ma­te goal is to crea­te a zero car­bon, zero was­te future. We’ve been on this jour­ney for deca­des, and we’re set­ting even bol­der goals for the future. The H2 Bar­ge 1 is an important exam­p­le of how we are inves­t­ing in sus­tainable pro­gress across logi­stics and trans­por­ta­ti­on to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment for future gene­ra­ti­ons.” Eb Mukhtar, Vice Pre­si­dent Ope­ra­ti­ons & Logi­stics – Nike EMEA 

“Green and blue are our colours: we navi­ga­te the inland water­ways and respect natu­re. We wish to be the pre­fer­red inland ope­ra­tor of our cus­to­mers. Sus­taina­bi­li­ty is part of our DNA, and tog­e­ther with the right part­ners, we are buil­ding a zero-emission future.” David Huy­b­rechts, Gene­ral Mana­ger Bel­gi­um – BCTN 

The FPS Maas/H2 Bar­ge 1 retro­fit pro­ject is sup­port­ed by grant fun­ding from the Inter­reg North Sea Regi­on Pro­gram­me (Zero Emis­si­on Ports North Sea – ZEM Ports NS), Net­her­lands Enter­pri­se Agen­cy (RVO), Port of Rot­ter­dam and Expertise- en Inno­va­tie­Cen­trum Binnenvaart.

Future Pro­of Shipping


Future Pro­of Shipping

Pho­ne: +31 (0)85 049 1720
Email:start (at) futureproofshipping.com

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